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Build the Custom Application

  1. In Reflection 2008, create two documents: a Web page document set to and a session document.
  2. Save the documents, noting their filenames and paths, and then quit Reflection 2008.
  3. In Visual Studio, create a new Windows Application project.
  4. In the New Project dialog box, type Integration in the Name box.
  5. Select the Create directory for solution box, click Browse to select your API projects folder (for example, C:\MyProjects), and then click OK.
  6. In Solution Explorer, add the class assemblies. (For instructions, see Create an API Project.)
  7. Copy the code from one of the following programs:

    Main.cs (IBM)

    Main.cs (OpenSystems)

  8. In Solution Explorer, rename Form1.cs to Main.cs, right-click Main.cs, choose View Code, and paste the copied code, replacing any existing code.

    This code defines the m_application variable, as follows:

    private Attachmate.Reflection.Framework.Application m_application;

    This code also provides the easiest and most reliable way to reference a Web element — the ID:

    IWebElement searchbox = m_WebDocument.GetElementById("f1")

  9. In the code:

    Locate the line that starts

    And do this

    m_terminal= (IIbmTerminal)



    Edit the path to match the location of the session document you saved in step 1.

    For example, if you created a 5250 session named test.rd5x on Windows Vista, edit the path to read as follows:


    m_webControl= (IWebControl)

    Edit the path to match the location of the Web page document you saved in step 1.

  10. Copy and paste code from the following four .cs files:

    Copy the code from

    And then in Solution Explorer

    MainDesigner.cs (IBM)


    MainDesigner.cs (OpenSystems)



    Double-click Main.Designer.cs and paste the code to the Main.Designer.cs tab, replacing any existing code.

    Program.cs (IBM)


    Program.cs (OpenSystems)



    Double-click Program.cs and paste the code to the Program.cs tab, replacing any existing code.

    ProgressBox.cs (IBM)


    ProgressBox.cs (OpenSystems)



    Right-click the solution node ("Integration"), add a Windows Form item, and then name it ProgressBox.cs. Next, right-click ProgressBox.cs, choose View Code, and then paste the copied code to the ProgressBox.cs tab, replacing any existing code.

    ProgressBox.Designer.cs (IBM)


    ProgressBox.Designer.cs (OpenSystems)



    Expand ProgressBox.cs, double-click ProgressBox.Designer.cs, and paste the code to the ProgressBox.Designer.cs tab, replacing any existing code.

  11. Build the application (Build > Rebuild Solution) and then run it (Debug > Start Without Debugging).

    The program starts Reflection 2008 and opens a Windows Form application interface that contains two buttons and three text boxes.