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Select the Keyboard Map for a Session

A keyboard map is a configuration file that allows you to use your PC keyboard as a host terminal keyboard. Keyboard maps also include definitions for keyboard shortcuts. Reflection pre-configures all session documents to use a built-in keyboard map file. You can choose to use a different built-in map, or a custom map that you've created.

To select a keyboard map

  1. Open a session document.
  2. From the Quick Access Toolbar, click the Document Settings button.
  3. Under Input Devices, click Manage Keyboard Map.
  4. Click Select another keyboard map file.
  5. Do one of the following:


    Do this

    Select a built-in keyboard map

    Click Built-in, and then select a map from the list; for example, Default 5250 en.xkb.

    Select a custom keyboard map

    Click Custom, and then browse to a custom keyboard map file.

    Note: The file must be in a trusted location for Reflection to use it.

Related Topics

Create a Custom Keyboard Map

Select the Mouse Map for a Session

Select a Keyboard Map File Dialog Box

Specify Trusted Locations Dialog Box