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Installer Advanced Tab

Getting there

Modify the Advanced tab settings only if you want to create an administrative installation. The administrative installation does not actually install the product — instead, it places an image of Reflection on a network location for later installation to multiple workstations. This network location can be used by deployment tools to access and create packages that are deployed to workstations. End users can perform workstation installations by running setup.exe from this location.

The options are:


Install to this PC

Installs Reflection to your computer.


Create an Administrative Install image on a server

When you create an administrative installation image, an image of Reflection is copied to a network location for later installation to multiple workstations. This network location can be used by deployment tools to access and create packages that are deployed to workstations. Also, end users can perform installations by running setup.exe from this location.


Create a log file for this installation

Specifies whether a log file is created. The installation log file, which provides details about the installation, is saved in the user's temp directory(%tmp%) with a generated name that begins with atm. To open this folder, launch the Start menu Run command and enter %tmp%.

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