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Legacy Reflection Macros

To use legacy macros in Reflection 2008, the associated compatibility feature must be installed. For more information, see the Administrator's Reference chapter in the Reflection 2008 Help.

If the macro contains unsupported objects and methods, it may not run.

Reflection 2008 supports the following macro file formats:

  • Settings files (.rsf,.r2w,.r4w)
  • SharedMacros (.rma)
  • Reflection Basic scripts (.rbs)
  • Reflection Command Line scripts (.rcl)

To run a legacy Reflection macro

You can open a settings file in the workspace to run the macros it contains, or you can run macros from an external file. You can only run RCL scripts when a VT session document is active in the workspace.

  1. (Recommended) If your legacy macro was created in Reflection 10.x or earlier, open and save it in Reflection 14.x.
  2. Open the legacy settings file in Reflection 2008.
  3. On the Session ribbon, click the Run Macro button.
  4. From the Run Macro dialog box, click Legacy Reflection Macro in This File.
  5. Select the macro that you want and then click Run.

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