OpenVMS Host Filename Switches
Using the WRQ/Reflection protocol, you can specify various qualifiers, or switches, to modify the way the file is saved on the VAX, and how it is handled when the transfer is complete.
To use the file transfer switches, append the switch you want to the name of the host file when transferring it; for example to submit the file Harriet.dat to the print spooler after sending it to the VAX, from the Transfer dialog box, in the Host file name box, you would enter the following:
Caution: Do not type a space before appending a switch to a filename. Doing so results in an error — Reflection considers this as two separate filenames. For example, Filename/A is valid, whereas Filename /A will cause the transfer to fail.
The following switches are available:
ASCII transfer: Set maximum record length
When transferring ASCII files with Fast file transfer, you can specify that the maximum record length be set in the file header of the resulting host file.
Block mode
For binary transfers from the host only. Forces VAXLINK2 to read the host file in block mode rather than record mode. For certain files in non-standard formats, this gives you every byte that is actually contained in the file, including record separators, without regard to record lengths or carriage control. In other words, if you do a binary receive of a file that does not have fixed record lengths, record separators will be discarded unless you use /B. You must use this switch when the file was put onto the OpenVMS system using the Pathworks COPY command.
Submit files to batch queue
File transfer to the host only. Submits the file or files to the batch queue (SYS$BATCH) upon completion of the transfer. Files are deleted on the host after they have been submitted; use /K to retain the file(s).
DECDx format files
Binary file transfer only. Transfers files in DECDx format between the VAX and PC.
Fixed length records
Formerly used with VAXLINK to specify fixed length binary files. VAXLINK2 creates this file format by default (this switch is offered only for backward compatibility with the older protocol).
Image transfer method
Formerly used with VAXLINK to specify a file transfer type of image; the image method should be specified in the Transfer dialog box (this switch is offered only for backward compatibility with the older protocol).
Keep submitted files
Valid only in conjunction with the /C or /S switch, both of which submit files to a queue on the host. Once the files are in the queue, they are typically deleted. To retain a copy of the file on the host, use the /K (keep) switch.
Add linefeed
Binary file transfers from the host only. Appends a linefeed character to each record when receiving a file that has carriage control. The linefeed character is added even if the carriage control is not stream-lf.
Translate carriage control characters
ASCII or binary file transfers from the host only. This switch translates FORTRAN or PRINT carriage control characters in OpenVMS files. When carriage control characters are not translated, they become part of the file's records. To discard these characters, use the /T switch.
Spool files to printer
ASCII file transfers to the host only. Submits the file or files to the print queue (SYS$PRINT) upon completion of the transfer. Files are deleted on the host after they have been submitted; use /K to retain the file after it is submitted.
Discard carriage control characters
ASCII or binary file transfers from the host only. Discards FORTRAN or PRINT carriage control characters in OpenVMS files. To translate these characters, use /P.
Variable host record size
Binary file transfers to the host only. Creates the host file with variable-length records (the default is fixed).
Block mode binary
Binary file transfers from the host only. Supports the block mode binary transfer required for files created by applications, such as the DOS and OpenVMS versions of Lotus 1-2-3 and WordPerfect.