Default File Transfer Templates
Reflection installs some default templates, but you can also add your own, and specify the sort order (using the Move up and Move down buttons).
CMS, *.exe, * exebin a
- All PC files with the .exe extension transferred to the host are given the extension "exebin" and stored on the A disk (the base name remains unchanged). For example, R8win.exe on the PC becomes R8win exebin on the host.
- All host files on the A disk with the extension "exebin" transferred to the PC are given the .exe extension (the base name remains unchanged). For example, R8win exebin becomes R8win.exe on the PC.
CMS, *.txt, * text a
- All PC files with the .txt extension transferred to the host are given the extension "text" and stored on the A disk (the base name remains unchanged). For example, Test.txt on the PC becomes Test text on the host.
- All host files on the A disk with the extension "text" transferred to the PC are given the .txt extension (the base name remains unchanged). For example, Test text becomes Test.txt on the PC.
CMS, *.*, * * a
TSO, *.exe, bin.*
- All PC files with the .exe extension transferred to the host are prefixed with "bin." on the host (the base name remains unchanged). For example, Test.exe on the PC becomes Bin.test on the host.
- All host files prefixed with "bin." transferred to the PC are given the extension ".exe" (the base name remains unchanged). For example, Bin.test becomes Test.exe on the PC.
TSO, *.txt, text.*
- All PC files with the .txt extension transferred to the host are prefixed with "text." on the host (the base name remains unchanged). For example, Filename.txt on the PC becomes Text.filename on the host.
- All host files prefixed with "text." transferred to the PC are given the extension ".txt" (the base name remains unchanged). For example, Text.filename becomes Filename.txt on the PC.
CICS, *.*, *
- All PC files transferred to the host are stripped of their extension and retain just their base name. For example, Test.txt on the PC becomes Test on the host.
- All host files transferred to the PC are given a dot extension (the base name remains unchanged). For example Test becomes Test. on the PC.