Attachmate.Reflection.Emulation.OpenSystems Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
Includes types that support working with OpenSystems terminal emulation.
ClassCancelableConnectionEventArgs This class to retrieve information about the current connection.
ClassContextMenu Provides methods and properties for interacting with a terminal session's context menu
ClassContextMenuItem Represents an individual item within a context menu.
ClassContextMenus Defines properties and operations on the collection of context menus currently defined in the session document
ClassControlKeySendingEventArgs Contains the Key and Cancel properties that allow the event handler to cancel the send control key action or modify the control key value before the control key is sent to the host.
ClassControlKeySentEventArgs Contains data related to the controlkeysent event. Defines properties to get the key code, row position, and column position.
ClassCreditCardRecognizedEventArgs CreditCardRecognized event arguments.
ClassHotspot Defines an individual hotspot instance
ClassHotSpots Defines methods to configure hotspots and properties to get and set hotspot visibility, position, and other attributes.
ClassInputMapAction An action that can be mapped to an item in an input map.
ClassInputMapActionSequence Contains a set of actions that are mapped to an input mapping.
ClassKeyboardMapping Maps a key to a sequence of one or more input actions.
ClassKeysSendingEventArgs Contains the Keys and Cancel properties that allow the event handler to cancel the send key action or modify the key value before the key is sent to the host.
ClassMouseButtonCombination Represents the state of a particular mouse mapping.
ClassMouseMapping Maps a mouse click or mouse/key combination to a sequence of one or more input actions.
ClassScreenPoint ScreenPoint represents a coordinate of a row and a column on the host screen.
ClassScreenRegion Defines an area on the host screen for selected text.
InterfaceIConnectingSettingsBestNetwork Connection settings for best network.
InterfaceIConnectionSettings Connection Settings interface.
InterfaceIConnectionSettingsCommon Defines Properties that get and set connection settings common to all types of conections.
InterfaceIConnectionSettingsComSerialPort ConnectionSettingsComSerialPort interface.
InterfaceIConnectionSettingsModem Defines Properties that get and set connection settings for Modem connections.
InterfaceIConnectionSettingsRLogin Defines Properties that get and set Rlogin connection settings including: user names, port, terminal types, and timeout values.
InterfaceIConnectionSettingsSecureShell Defines Properties that get and set connections settings for Secure Shell connections.
InterfaceIConnectionSettingsTelnet Defines Properties that get and set settings for telnet connections.
InterfaceIConnectionSettingsVTMgr Defines Properties that get and set settings for VT-MGR connections.
InterfaceIContextMenu Provides methods and properties for interacting with a terminal session's context menu
InterfaceIContextMenus Defines properties and operations on the collection of context menus currently defined in the session document
InterfaceIFileTransfer.html">IFileTransfer The IFileTransfer emcompass several file transfers implemented with different file transfer protocols such as FTP, Kermit, XModem and ZModem.
InterfaceIHotSpots Defines methods to configure hotspots and properties to get and set hotspot visibility, position, and other attributes.
InterfaceIKeyboardMapper Methods and properties associated with the terminal document's keyboard map.
InterfaceIMacro Defines methods, properties, and events associated with running or recording macros in Reflection.
InterfaceIScreen Defines an interface to host the emulation screen object.
InterfaceITerminal The Terminal is an Open Systems host emulation session object.
InterfaceITheme Defines properties and methods to load, modify, or save a Reflection theme.
InterfaceIThemeColor Defines properties and methods to get and set terminal colors within a Reflection theme.
InterfaceIThemeCursor Defines the attributes (such as shape) of the cursor displayed within a Reflection theme.
InterfaceIThemeDisplayEnhancements Interface for configuring additional theme display features
InterfaceIThemeFont Defines the font attributes (such as font name, font size) for terminal fonts within a Reflection theme.
InterfaceIThemeSounds Defines the sounds played when events (such as Connected and Disconnected) occur during Reflection sessions.
InterfaceIUiControlActionMapper Methods and properties associated with accessing and setting the input map action sequence for a given user interface control.
DelegateCancelableConnectionEventHandler Cancel connection event handler.
DelegateConnectionEventHandler Connection EventHandler.
DelegateControlKeySendingEventHandler Handles the SendingControlKey event to permit users to modify a control key value or cancel a send control key action before it is sent.
DelegateControlKeySentEventHandler ControlKeySentEventHandler Delegate.
DelegateCreditCardRecognizedEventHandler CreditCardRecognized event handler.
DelegateKeysSendingEventHandler This event is triggered before Reflection transmits a character or a string of characters to the host.
EnumerationBaudRateOption The number of distinct symbol changes made to the transmission medium, per second.
EnumerationCharacterAttributes Character attributes for UNIX, OpenSystems, and ReGIS terminal sessions.
EnumerationConnectionStatisticOption Specifies which statistics to return.
EnumerationConnectionTypeOption Connection type option.
EnumerationContextMenuItemType Specifies a type of context menu item
EnumerationControlKeyCode Defines the valid values for control keys.
EnumerationCopyDataFormats Specifies the format in which data is copied for the Copy method.
EnumerationCopyFormatOption Specifies the format in which data is to be copied for Clipboard copy-related functions.
EnumerationCopySourceOption Specifies what is to be copied for Clipboard copy-related functions.
EnumerationCopyTableMethods Specifies the method used to generate tabular data when copying tables.
EnumerationCursorShapeOption Specifies the shape of the text cursor.
EnumerationDefaultHostSettingsOption Specifies the host settings.
EnumerationDefinedEventType Specifies the host settings.
EnumerationDestinationFileExistsOption Specifies what happens with transfers from the File Transfer dialog box if the destination file already exists.
EnumerationDeviceAttributeResponseOption Specifies the device attributes.
EnumerationDisplayMemorySelectionOption Specifies which operation to perform when a file already exists.
EnumerationDisplayTextOption Used with IScreen.DisplayText() to designate how data is to be displayed.
EnumerationFindOptions Determines the direction to search for text on the screen.
EnumerationFTPClearConnectionOption Specifies how logon information on the FTP tab of the File Transfer Setup dialog box is cleared (and not used to log in to new hosts).
EnumerationFTPServerOption Options for specifying additional, non-default behavior for the FTPStartServer method
EnumerationGraphicDestinationOption Destination of graphic images.
EnumerationGraphicsLevelOption Graphics level option.
EnumerationGraphicsPrintModeOption Graphic print mode options.
EnumerationGraphicsTerminalTypeOption Defines which terminal is emulated, and how many shades or colors are available.
EnumerationHostCharacterSetOption Host character set.
EnumerationHostStatusLineOption Host status line dislay options.
EnumerationHostSystemTypeOption Options for specifying the type of host with which Reflection expects to interact.
EnumerationHotspotsMouseButtonOption Specifies options for mouse button to use when invoking hotspots
EnumerationHotspotStyleOption Specifies options for how hotspots appear on the screen
EnumerationIbmBackspace Indicates what the BACKSPACE key does in a IBM 3151 session.
EnumerationIbmEnterKeyOption Indicates what the Enter key does in a IBM 3151 terminal session (TerminalType = rcIBM3151).
EnumerationIbmInsertionOption Indicates what the Insert key does in a IBM 3151 terminal session (TerminalType = rcIBM3151).
EnumerationIbmPrintCharactersOption Indicates how characters print in a IBM 3151 emulation (TerminalType = rcIBM3151).
EnumerationIbmprintLineTerminatorOption Indicates which end line characters to use when printing in a IBM 3151 emulation (TerminalType = rcIBM3151).
EnumerationIbmprintPageTerminatorOption Indicates which end page character to use when printing in a IBM 3151 emulation (TerminalType = rcIBM3151).
EnumerationIbmReceivedCROption Indicates how a received carriage return is interpreted in a IBM 3151 terminal session (TerminalType = rcIBM3151).
EnumerationIbmReceivedLFOption Indicates how a line feed is interpreted in a IBM 3151 terminal session (TerminalType = IBM3151).
EnumerationIbmReturnKeyOption Indicates what the RETURN key does in a IBM 3151 terminal session (TerminalType = rcIBM3151).
EnumerationIbmSendKeyOption Indicates what the SEND key does in a IBM 3151 terminal session (TerminalType = rcIBM3151).
EnumerationIbmTabKeyOption Indicates what the TAB key does in a IBM 3151 terminal session (TerminalType = rcIBM3151).
EnumerationIbmTurnAroundCharOption The definition of the LineTurnAround (LTA) character for IBM 3151 terminal sessions (TerminalType = rcIBM3151).
EnumerationImageDitherOption Indicates the results when a 256-color image is pasted from the Clipboard to the Reflection Graphics terminal window.
EnumerationInputMapActionID Actions that can be mapped to keyboard maps or mouse maps.
EnumerationJumpScrollSpeedOption Denotes how Reflection manages data that enters display memory.
EnumerationKermitChecksumOption Specifies the level of error checking used for Kermit file transfers.
EnumerationKermitStopServerOption Options for whether the KermitStopServer method logs off from the remote computer, when it quits the server Kermit program
EnumerationMacroDestinationOption Indicates the location where macros are saved.
EnumerationMacroEnumerationOption Indicates where the macro source is located.
EnumerationMouseClickCount The number of clicks for a mouse mapping.
EnumerationMouseShapeOption Defines options that specify the appearance of the mouse pointer in the terminal window.
EnumerationNationalReplacementSetOption National character replacement set definitions.
EnumerationOpenUrlActionLocationOption Valid values for the second parameter to the openURLAction action. This determines where the URL specified in the first parameter is opened.
EnumerationParityTypeOption Type of Parity on the connection.
EnumerationPrintDuplexOption Denotes how Reflection handles printing to single- and double-sided pages.
EnumerationPrinterOrientationOption Denotes the printer page orientation used by Reflection.
EnumerationPrintGraphicsColorOption Denotes whether graphics images are printed using color or black and white. It applies only when sending sixel data to the host or a Digital printer when BypassPrinterDriver is True.
EnumerationPrintGraphicsColorSpecificationOption Denotes the color coordinate system used for color sixel printing.
EnumerationPrintSourceOption Specifies the source of print data.
EnumerationProcessTraceOptions Specifies how a trace is to be processed.
EnumerationProcessTraceSyntax Specifies the syntax for the processsed trace.
EnumerationProjectOption Defines the macro location.
EnumerationReadOption Used with IScreen.ReadChars(), ReadLine(), and ReadUntil() families of methods.
EnumerationReceivePacingOption Type of flow control for receiving data from the host.
EnumerationRegionOption How a screen region is to be interpreted.
EnumerationResetOptions Terminal reset option.
EnumerationRestoreOptions Restore setting options.
EnumerationSaveFileOption Specifies the operation to perform when a file already exists.
EnumerationScreenAnsiColor Colors available to map for ANSI terminals.
EnumerationScreenColor Color designation.
EnumerationScreenColorComponents Specifies an RGB color component.
EnumerationScriptTypeOption Specifies the type of script.
EnumerationScrollOptimizationOption Indicates when Reflection uses an off-screen bitmap to speed up scrolling.
EnumerationSelectionModeOption Specifies the type of a selected region.
EnumerationSendKeysOption Specifies data interpretation options for SendKeys() method. More than one option can be specified by adding them together.
EnumerationSingleByteUPSSOption Defines the Digital UPS character set that is used when SET HOST-CHARACTER-SET is set to a double-byte character set.
EnumerationSpeakerOption Specifies the speaker mode. The default is Dialing.
EnumerationSpeakerVolumeOption Specifies the speaker volume. The default is Medium.
EnumerationStopBitsOption The number of stop bits that follow each character during data transmission.
EnumerationTAPIVersionOption Defines which Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI) Reflection uses to connect the PC to telephone services.
EnumerationTektronixDefaultFontSizeOption Indicates the default font size for Tektronix emulation.
EnumerationTelnetEchoOption Specifies the Telnet echo option.
EnumerationTelnetLineModeOption Specifies line mode use for Telnet connections. All options other than RFC are know as "faux" line mode.
EnumerationTerminalSoundOption Terminal sound option.
EnumerationTerminalTypeOption Defines the type of terminal to emulate.
EnumerationTextColorMappingAttribute Text attributes available for color mapping.
EnumerationTextComparisonOption Defines options that indicate how text is compared against the text on the host screen.
EnumerationTextTranslationOption How or if text is translated.
EnumerationTLSStrengthOption Level of encryption
EnumerationTLSVersionOption Specifies options for TLS and SSL versions
EnumerationTraceFileExistsOption Specifies the operation to perform when a file already exists.
EnumerationTraceFormatOption Specifies the type of trace to perform. The default is TraceDefault.
EnumerationTransferCaseOption Specifies how letter case is handled in the names of files sent to the host. This affects WRQ/Reflection, Kermit, and Zmodem transfers, but not Xmodem transfers.
EnumerationTransferLinkOption Options for specifying the extent to which nonprinting ASCII characters are automatically converted to printing ASCII characters during file transfers.
EnumerationTransferProtocolOption Specifies the type of file being transferred.
EnumerationTransferTypeOption Specifies what type of file is being transferred.
EnumerationTransmitFileOption Specifies additional, non-default behavior for the FileTransfer.TransmitFile method.
EnumerationTransmitPacingOption The type of flow control to use for transmitting data to the host.
EnumerationTVIAttributeBaseModeOption Indicates how visual attributes are applied when Reflection emulates a TVI terminal (TerminalType = rcTVI955).
EnumerationTVICompatibilityOption Indicates the TVI emulation type Reflection uses when TerminalType is set to rcTVI955.
EnumerationTVIDownKeySendsOption Indicates the Down key function when Reflection emulates a TVI terminal (TerminalType = rcTVI955).
EnumerationTVIFunctionKeySetOption Indicates the function key set that is available to the keyboard when Reflection emulates a TVI terminal (TerminalType = rcTVI955).
EnumerationTVIStatusLineAttributeOption Indicates usage and display of the top status line when Reflection emulates a TVI terminal (TerminalType = rcTVI955).
EnumerationTVITopStatusLineOption Specifies the usage and display of the top status line when Reflection is emulating a TVI terminal (TerminalType TVI955).
EnumerationUseIPv6Option Defines how Reflection communicates with a host using the IPv6 and older IPv4 protocols.
EnumerationVTBackspaceSendsOption Indicates the key that is transmitted to the host when the user presses the BACKSPACE key.
EnumerationVTCursorKeyOption Denotes whether the cursor keys are controlled by the host.
EnumerationVTKeyPadOption Indicates which characters are transmitted by the numeric keypad keys.
EnumerationWRQCompressionOption Options for specifying how file compression is handled.
EnumerationWRQFastFileTransferOption Options for specifying whether Reflection uses the fast file transfer feature.
EnumerationWRQMPEFileNamesOption Specifies which MPE operating system naming convention to use.
EnumerationWyseAttributeOption Indicates the Wyse terminal display attribute mode.
EnumerationWyseBlockTerminatorOption Indicates the end-of-transmission delimiter for block sends for Wyse terminal emulation sessions.
EnumerationWyseEnterKeyOption Indicates what is sent to the host when the ENTER key is pressed during a Wyse terminal emulation session.
EnumerationWyseReceivedCROption Indictates how a received carriage return (CR) is interpreted during a Wyse terminal emulation session.
EnumerationWyseReturnKeyOption Indictates what is sent to the host when the RETURN key is pressed during a Wyse terminal emulation session.
EnumerationWyseStatusLineDisplayOption Indicates whether the Wyse status line at the top of the screen is set to Off, Standard, or Edit.
EnumerationXModemErrorCheckingOption Options for specifying the type of Xmodem error checking and the Xmodem packet size.
See Also