IFileTransfer emcompass several file transfers implemented with different file transfer protocols such as FTP, Kermit, XModem and ZModem." />
IFileTransfer Interface Members
Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by IFileTransfer.

Public Properties
 PropertyConvertEOLToSeparatorThis property applies to ASCII transfers to the host.  
 PropertyConvertISO7ToRoman8Returns or specifies whether ISO-7 characters are converted to Roman 8 characters in files you receive. This property is relevant only for ASCII file transfers.  
 PropertyConvertMCSToNRCReturns or specifies whether Multinational Character Set (MCS) characters are converted to National Replacement Set (NRC) characters in files you send. This property is relevant only for ASCII file transfers.  
 PropertyConvertNRCToMCSReturns or specifies whether National Replacement Set (NRC) characters are converted to Multinational Character Set (MCS) characters in files you receive. This property is relevant only for ASCII file transfers.  
 PropertyConvertRoman8ToISO7Returns or specifies whether Roman 8 characters are converted to ISO-7 characters in files you send. This property is relevant only for ASCII file transfers.  
 PropertyConvertSeparatorToEOLReturns or specifies how Reflection handles line separators during ASCII file transfers.  
 PropertyDeleteTrailingSpacesThis property returns or specifies how Reflection handles trailing spaces during ASCII file transfers.  
 PropertyFTPCharacterSetTranslationEnabledReturns or specifies how ASCII character set translations occur during FTP file transfers.  
 PropertyFTPClearConnectionInformationReturns or specifies how login information on the FTP tab of the File Transfer Setup dialog box should be cleared from the controls and fields in this tab (and thus not used as login information for, as an example, a new host you wish to log in to).  
 PropertyFTPFileNamesTranslationEnabledReturns or specifies whether file name translation occurs during FTP transfers of ASCII files.  
 PropertyFTPHostNameReturns or specifies the name or IP address of the server for FTP file transfers.  
 PropertyFTPPassiveModeReturns or specifies whether Reflection's integrated FTP client sends a PASV command in order to communicate with the server in passive mode (sometimes called PASV mode).  
 PropertyFTPPasswordReturns or specifies the default password to be used when logging in to an FTP server.  
 PropertyFTPTransferTypeReturns or specifies the transfer type for FTP transfers from the File Transfer dialog box.  
 PropertyFTPUserNameReturns or specifies the default user name to be used when logging into an FTP server.  
 PropertyFTPUseSftpStructuredListingReturns or specifies the data listing style used for SFTP connections to Secure Shell servers.  
 PropertyFTPUseWRQFTPReturns or specifies whether Reflection uses Reflection's implementation for FTP file transfers.  
 PropertyHostRecordSeparatorReturns or specifies the character to be used in the PC file as a record separator when an ASCII files is transferred from the host.  
 PropertyKermitAutomaticServerReturns or specifies how Reflection interacts with the host Kermit program.  
 PropertyKermitCharacterSetTranslationEnabledThis property affects ASCII transfers from the File Transfer dialog box.  
 PropertyKermitChecksumKermit supports three kinds of error checking: single-byte checksum, double-byte checksum, and three-byte CRC.  
 PropertyKermitFileNamesTranslationEnabledReturns or specifies whether the File name translation options on the Translation tab in the File Transfer Setup dialog box are used for Kermit transfers.  
 PropertyKermitPacketSizeReturns or specifies the desired packet size for Kermit transfers (in bytes).  
 PropertyKermitReceiveEndCharacterReturns or specifies the character that indicates the end of a packet of data received from the host.  
 PropertyKermitReceiveStartCharacterReturns or specifies the character that indicates the beginning of a packet of data received from the host.  
 PropertyKermitReceiveStartupCommandReturns or specifies the command that directs the host Kermit program to receive a file from the local computer.  
 PropertyKermitSendEndCharacterReturns or specifies the character that indicates the end of a packet of data sent to the host.  
 PropertyKermitSendStartCharacterReturns or specifies the character that indicates the beginning of a packet of data sent to the host.  
 PropertyKermitSendStartupCommandReturns or specifies the command that directs the host Kermit program to send one or more files to the local computer.  
 PropertyKermitServerStartupCommandReturns or specifies the string sent to the host to start the host Kermit server program, either when the KermitStartServer method is executed, or, if the KermitAutomaticServer property is set to True, as soon as the user initiates a Kermit file transfer from the File Transfer dialog box.  
 PropertyKermitTransferTypeReturns or specifies the transfer type for Kermit transfers.  
 PropertyKermitWindowSizeIf the remote Kermit program supports sliding windows, this property determines the size of a sliding window, in packets.  
 PropertyParentGets the parent object. The parent is the ITerminal object.  
 PropertyPCRecordSeparatorReturns or specifies the character that is interpreted as a record separator in a PC ASCII file when it is transferred to the host.  
 PropertyReadCtrlZAsEOFReturns or specifies whether Reflection interprets Ctrl-Z as the end of file marker in ASCII files being sent to the host.  
 PropertyReadTabAsSpacesReturns or specifies whether tab characters in local files are converted to space characters.  
 PropertySpacesPerTabReturns or specifies the number of consecutive spaces that are converted to a single tab character (for WriteSpacesAsTab) or the number of spaces that a single tab character is converted into (for ReadTabAsSpaces).  
 PropertyTextFileCharacterSetReturns or specifies whether Reflection uses the ASCII or ANSI character set.  
 PropertyTransfer8Dot3FilenameCaseReturns or specifies how case is handled in the names of files sent to the host. This property affects WRQ/Reflection, Kermit, and Zmodem transfers, but not Xmodem transfers.  
 PropertyTransferAutoDetectASCIIExtensionListReturns or specifies which file extensions should identify files to be transferred as ASCII files during file transfer using the Auto-Detect transfer type. Use "<>" to specify files with no file extension.  
 PropertyTransferAutoDetectBinaryExtensionListReturns or specifies which file extensions should identify files to be transferred as binary files during file transfer using the Auto-Detect transfer type. Use "<>" to specify files with no file extension.  
 PropertyTransferAutoDetectDefaultTypeThis property affects file transfers using the Auto-Detect transfer feature. It returns or specifies what type of file transfer to use when no transfer type has been associated with the file extension of a file to be transferred.  
 PropertyTransferAutoDetectImageLabelsExtensionListReturns or specifies which file extensions should identify files to be transferred between two host computers during file transfer using the Auto-Detect transfer type.  
 PropertyTransferAutoDetectScanExtensionListThis property affects file transfers using the Auto-Detect transfer feature.  
 PropertyTransferDefaultProtocolReflection supports five transfer protocols for sending or receiving files.  
 PropertyTransferDownloadDirectoryReturns or specifies the default folder for transfers to the local computer.  
 PropertyTransferIfFileExistsDefaultReturns or specifies what should happen with transfers from the File Transfer dialog box if the destination file already exists.  
 PropertyTransferLogFileNameReturns or specifies the name of the file transfer log file.  
 PropertyTransferLoggingEnabledReturns or specifies whether file transfer logging is enabled.  
 PropertyTransferPresetConfigurationReturns or specifies a string identifying a preset configuration for file transfer.  
 PropertyTransferReceiveAs8Dot3Returns or specifies whether the names of received files are automatically truncated if they do not conform to the 8-dot-3 file naming convention.  
 PropertyTransferReceiveTimeoutReturns or specifies the maximum number of seconds to wait for a response from the host or Reflection during a transfer.  
 PropertyTransferRetryLimitReturns or specifies how many consecutive times to attempt to transmit a packet before abandoning a file transfer.  
 PropertyTransferSpacesToUnderscoresReturns or specifies whether spaces in file names are converted to underscores when files are sent from Reflection.  
 PropertyTransferStartTimeoutReturns or specifies the number of seconds the file transfer program should wait for a response from the host before beginning a transfer. If no response is received within this interval, the program abandons the transfer.  
 PropertyTransferStatusWindowVisibleReturns or specifies whether the file transfer status window is displayed while a file transfer is occurring.  
 PropertyTransferUnderscoresToSpacesReturns or specifies whether underscores in file names are converted to spaces when files are received to Reflection.  
 PropertyUseHostRecordSeparatorReturns or specifies whether Reflection uses the record separator character specified by HostRecordSeparator when an ASCII file is transferred from the host.  
 PropertyUsePCRecordSeparatorReturns or specifies whether Reflection uses the record separator character specified by PCRecordSeparator when an ASCII file is transferred to the host.  
 PropertyWriteCtrlZAsEOFWhen this property is set to True, Reflection automatically adds an end-of-file marker at the end of ASCII files received from the host.  
 PropertyWriteSpacesAsTabReturns or specifies whether Reflection replaces spaces with tabs during ASCII file transfers from the host.  
 PropertyWRQCompressionReturns or specifies how file compression is handled.  
 PropertyWRQEndOfFrameCharacterReturns or specifies the character that is to indicate the end of a file transfer frame.  
 PropertyWRQExtraCharactersThis property is relevant only when WRQTransferLink is set to TransferLinkOption.UserDefinedLink.  
 PropertyWRQFastCompressionReturns or specifies whether Reflection compresses files transferred using fast file transfer.  
 PropertyWRQFastFileTransferReturns or specifies whether Reflection should attempt to use the fast file transfer feature.  
 PropertyWRQFrameSizeReturns or specifies the total length of a file transfer packet (in characters), including the start and end characters, but not the delimiting character.  
 PropertyWRQFrameTerminatorReturns or specifies which character comes at the end of a file transfer packet. This character causes a host read operation to complete.  
 PropertyWRQHiddenFoldersVisibleReturns or specifies whether hidden folders (with names beginning with a period) on a UNIX host are displayed in the File Transfer dialog box, when the host folder list is displayed.  
 PropertyWRQHostErrorMessageReturns the host error message for a failed WRQ/Reflection protocol file transfer.  
 PropertyWRQHostRecordSizeReturns or specifies the record size (in bytes) for files transferred to the host.  
 PropertyWRQHostSystemReturns or specifies what type of host Reflection expects to be interacting with. This property is relevant only for transfers that use the WRQ/Reflection protocol.  
 PropertyWRQKeepFileReturns or specifies whether a copy of the file being sent should be kept on the host.  
 PropertyWRQMPEFileNamesVersion 5.0 of the MPE operating system .  
 PropertyWRQMPEStreamNative POSIX files under version 5.0 of the MPE operating system support a record format known as "stream," which is just a stream of bytes.  
 PropertyWRQPreserveCountsReturns or specifies whether record byte counts are transferred with data during a binary transfer to the host.  
 PropertyWRQPreserveDateReturns or specifies whether the destination file receives its creation date and time from the source file.  
 PropertyWRQQEditFormatReturns (first syntax line) or specifies (second syntax line) whether HP 3000 host files are created with the QEDIT format.  
 PropertyWRQRecordSizeVisibleReturns or specifies whether the Host record size edit control is displayed in the File Transfer dialog box.  
 PropertyWRQRemoveFileExtensionReturns or specifies whether the DOS file name extension is automatically stripped when files are sent to the host without explicit specification of the host file name.  
 PropertyWRQSendSpooledReturns or specifies whether files are sent to a spooled device on the host.  
 PropertyWRQStartOfFrameCharacterReturns or specifies which character is to indicate the beginning of a file transfer frame.  
 PropertyWRQStartupCommandReturns or specifies the host startup command for the WRQ/Reflection transfer protocol. This property is relevant only for transfers that use the WRQ/Reflection protocol.  
 PropertyWRQSubmitBatchReturns or specifies whether a file is submitted to the batch queue upon completion of an ASCII transfer to a VMS host.  
 PropertyWRQSubmitPrintReturns or specifies whether a file is submitted to the print queue upon completion of an ASCII transfer to a VMS host.  
 PropertyWRQTransferLinkReturns or specifies the extent to which nonprinting ASCII characters are automatically converted to printing ASCII characters during file transfers.  
 PropertyWRQTransferTypeReturns or specifies the transfer type for transfers from the File Transfer dialog box.  
 PropertyWRQTransferWithAttributesReturns or specifies whether attribute information is included with a file being received from the host.  
 PropertyWRQTranslateCarriageCtrlReturns or specifies whether FORTRAN and PRINT carriage control characters in VMS files are translated.  
 PropertyWRQUseBlockReadsReturns or specifies whether VAXLINK2, the VMS host transfer program, is forced to read files in block mode rather than record mode.  
 PropertyWRQWindowSizeThe WRQ/Reflection file transfer protocol is a sliding-window protocol. This property returns or specifies the number of packets that one side can receive before sending an acknowledgment. For transfers to or from HP 3000 hosts, this property must be set to 1. If WRQFastFileTransfer is True, Reflection attempts to do fast file transfers. If a fast file transfer takes place, the WRQWindowSize property is ignored. This property is relevant only for transfers that use the WRQ/Reflection protocol.  
 PropertyXmodemCharacterSetTranslationEnabledWhen this property is set to True, Reflection performs the character set translations specified on the Translation tab in the File Transfer Setup dialog box, as well as the translations between the host character set and the PC character set, as specified on the Emulation tab in the Terminal Setup dialog box.  
 PropertyXmodemExtensionReturns or specifies what type of Xmodem error checking is performed, as well as the Xmodem packet size.  
 PropertyXmodemTransferTypeReturns or specifies the transfer type for Xmodem transfers from the File Transfer dialog box.  
 PropertyZmodemAutoDownloadReturns or specifies whether Reflection takes advantage of Zmodem's automatic download feature.  
 PropertyZmodemCharacterSetTranslationEnabledWhen this property is set to True, Reflection performs the character set translations specified on the Translation tab in the File Transfer Setup dialog box, as well as the translations between the host character set and the PC character set, as specified on the Emulation tab in the Terminal Setup dialog box.  
 PropertyZmodemDeleteCancelledReceivesReturns or specifies what happens when you cancel a Zmodem receive.  
 PropertyZmodemFileNamesTranslationEnabledReturns or specifies whether the File name translation options on the Translation tab in the File Transfer Setup dialog box are used for Zmodem transfers.  
 PropertyZmodemPacketSizeReturns or specifies the sub-packet size for file transfers to the remote system; this tells Zmodem how many bytes of data to transfer at a time.  
 PropertyZmodemReceiveStartupCommandWhen you send a file from the PC to the host using the Zmodem protocol, this command is transmitted to the host.  
 PropertyZmodemSendStartupCommandWhen you initiate a receive from the host using the Zmodem protocol, this command and the host file name are transmitted to the host.  
 PropertyZmodemTransferTypeReturns or specifies the transfer type for Zmodem transfers from the File Transfer dialog box.  
Public Methods
 MethodAbortTransferAborts a file transfer in progress (for any of the supported transfer protocols: Kermit, WRQ/Reflection, Xmodem, or Zmodem) without communicating with the host program. This method is more drastic than CancelTransfer, and may leave the host in an unpredictable state. Use AbortTransfer only if you believe the host transfer program has stopped responding; otherwise use CancelTransfer. This method is not likely to be useful in a macro because all transfer methods must complete execution before subsequent commands are executed. AbortTransfer can be useful for mapping to custom items such as toolbar buttons, keystrokes or events. You could also use this method if you are using Automation to control Reflection. For example, you could use stand-alone Visual Basic .NET to create a form with an Abort button to abort a transfer in progress.  
 MethodCancelTransferAttempts to cancel a file transfer in progress (for any of the supported transfer protocols: Kermit, WRQ/Reflection, Xmodem, or Zmodem) by shutting down the host program. Use AbortTransfer if you think the host program has stopped responding. This method is not likely to be useful in a macro because all transfer methods must complete execution before subsequent commands are executed. AbortTransfer can be useful for mapping to custom items such as toolbar buttons, keystrokes or events. You can also use this method if you are using Automation to control Reflection. For example, you could use stand-alone Visual Basic .NET to create a form with a Cancel Transfer button to cancel a transfer in progress.  
 MethodFTPGetCurrentHostDirectoryReturns the current host directory used for FTP file transfers. This method is only valid when Reflection is connected to the host FTP server; use FTPStartServer to connect to the server before using this method.  
 MethodFTPReceiveFileTransfers one or more files from the host to the PC using FTP (file transfer protocol). Use FTPStartServer to connect to the host server before using this method. Use FTPStopServer to disconnect from the host server after file transfer is complete.  
 MethodFTPSendFileTransfers one or more files from the PC to the host using FTP file transfer protocol. Use FTPStartServer to connect to the host server before using this method. Use FTPStopServer to disconnect from the host server after file transfer is complete.  
 MethodFTPSetCurrentHostDirectorySets the current host directory used for FTP file transfers. This method is only valid when Reflection is connected to the host FTP server; use FTPStartServer to connect to the server before using this method.  
 MethodFTPStartServerConnects to a host server in preparation for FTP file transfers. Use FTPSendFile and FTPReceiveFile to transfer files. Use FTPStopServer to disconnect from the host FTP server. If your settings file is not already configured for FTP protocol, use TransferDefaultProtocol to set the transfer protocol, and TransferPreset to set the host server type. Most menu commands and all toolbar buttons are disabled when Reflection is in server mode.  
 MethodFTPStopServerDisconnects from a host server connected by FTPStartServer.  
 MethodKermitReceiveFileTransfers one or more files from a remote computer running a Kermit program to the local computer, using the Kermit file transfer protocol.  
 MethodKermitSendFileTransfers a file from the local computer to the remote system using the Kermit file transfer protocol. There is no IfFileExists option for this method because that aspect of the transfer is controlled by the remote system.  
 MethodKermitStartServerStarts a remote Kermit program in server mode. The command used to start the server is defined by the KermitServerStartupCommand property. If that command fails to start the remote Kermit program, this method will still set the local flag indicating that the remote program is in server mode.  
 MethodKermitStopServerInstructs a remote Kermit program running in server mode to shut down.  
 MethodStartTransferLoggingInitiates file transfer logging. When TransferLoggingEnabled is True (the default value), Reflection stores file transfer information to a log file specified by the TransferLogFileName property. Use StopTransferLogging method to stop logging.  
 MethodStopTransferLoggingStops file transfer logging. When TransferLoggingEnabled is True (the default value), Reflection stores file transfer information to a log file specified by the TransferLogFileName property. Use StartTransferLogging method to start logging.  
 MethodTransmitFileTransmits the specified file to the host. If the ReadTabAsSpaces property is True and the TransmitFilesOption.NoTranslation option is not specified, tab characters in the file are converted to spaces as they are transmitted to the host. If the ReadCtrlZAsEOF property is True and the TransmitFilesOption.NoTranslation option is not specified, a Ctrl+Z character in the file will terminate the method.  
 MethodWRQReceiveFileTransfers one or more files from the host to the PC using the WRQ/Reflection file transfer protocol.  
 MethodWRQSendFileTransfers one or more files from the PC to the host using the WRQ/Reflection file transfer protocol.  
 MethodWRQStartServerStarts the WRQ/Reflection protocol host server in preparation for multiple file transfers. Most menu commands and all toolbar buttons are disabled when Reflection is in server mode.  
 MethodWRQStopServerStops the WRQ/Reflection protocol host server started by WRQStartServer.  
 MethodXmodemReceiveFileTransfers a file from the host to the PC, using the Xmodem file transfer protocol.  
 MethodXmodemSendFileTransfers a file from the PC to the host, using the Xmodem file transfer protocol.  
 MethodZmodemReceiveFileTransfers one or more files from the host to the PC, using the Zmodem file transfer protocol.  
 MethodZmodemSendFileTransfers one or more files from the host to the PC, using the Zmodem file transfer protocol.  
Public Events
 EventFileTransferDoneFile transfer completed event.  
See Also