IThemeColor Interface Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by IThemeColor.

Public Properties
 PropertyBackgroundColorGets text screen background color when IsBackgroundSingleColor is true.  
 PropertyIsBackgroundSingleColorIndicates whether the screen background color is a single color or mapped per field attributes defined in IbmTerminalAttributeOption enum.  
 PropertyParentGets the parent object (ITheme).  
Public Methods
 MethodGetBackgroundColorReturns the current mapped background color for a given terminal attribute.  
 MethodGetForegroundColorReturns the current mapped foreground color for a given terminal attribute.  
 MethodSetBackgroundColorSets the current mapped background color for a given terminal attribute.  
 MethodSetForegroundColorSets the current mapped foreground color for a given terminal attribute.  
See Also