Xfr400Authority Property

Returns or specifies the level of authority to associate with a file that is transferred to the host.
Property Xfr400Authority As AS400AuthorityOption
Dim instance As IFileTransfer
Dim value As AS400AuthorityOption
instance.Xfr400Authority = value
value = instance.Xfr400Authority
AS400AuthorityOption Xfr400Authority {get; set;}

Property Value

The default value (ReadWrite) allows other users to see the file in a list, read it, and write to it, but not delete it.

Attachmate.Reflection.SecuredSettingException This exception is thrown when you modify a Reflection property that has been secured via the Permissions Manager, or if such a modification requires Administrator privileges.
This property affects AS/400 data transfer.
  • Allows other users to see the file in a list, read it, write to it, or delete it.
  • Prevents other users from seeing the file in a list, writing to it, or deleting it.
  • Allows other users to see the file in a list and read it, but prevents them from writing to the file or deleting it.
See Also