IContextMenu Interface Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by IContextMenu.

Public Properties
 PropertyCountGets a value indicating how many menu items (including separators) are in this menu.  
 PropertyMappingCollectionGets a value indicating the set of menu items comprising this context menu.  
 PropertyNameGets a value indicating the descriptive name of this menu.  
Public Methods
 MethodAddMenuItemAdds a new context menu item to the end of the menu.  
 MethodAddSeparatorAdds a new separator to the end of the menu.  
 MethodClearAllItemsRemoves all items from the context menu, resulting in an empty menu.  
 MethodGetContextMenuItemReturns a context menu item with the specified name.  
 MethodRemoveItemRemoves a specified context menu item at a given position within the menu  
See Also