Reflection Desktop VBA Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.OpenSystems Library / Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.OpenSystems Library / Screen Object / WaitForStrings4 Method
O-based string array that specifies one or more strings for which to wait.
The wait timeout value (in milliseconds).
1-based index indicating string in text array that satisfied condition. (For the first array element, stringidx=1.)
A WaitForOption value. Multiple options can be combined using the OR operator.
In This Topic
    WaitForStrings4 Method
    In This Topic
    Waits for one of the specified text strings to be received from the host.
    expression.WaitForStrings4( _
       ByRef text As String(), _
       ByVal timeout As Integer, _
       ByRef stringidx As Integer, _
       ByVal option As WaitForOption _
    ) As ReturnCode
    where expression is a variable that represents a Screen Object


    O-based string array that specifies one or more strings for which to wait.
    The wait timeout value (in milliseconds).
    1-based index indicating string in text array that satisfied condition. (For the first array element, stringidx=1.)
    A WaitForOption value. Multiple options can be combined using the OR operator.

    Return Value

    One of the following ReturnCode enumeration values.

    Member Description
    Cancelled Cancelled.
    Error Error.
    PermissionRequired Permission is required.
    Success Success.
    Timeout Timeout condition.
    Truncated The text is truncated.

    This sample show how to wait for several host strings.
    Sub WaitForStrings4_Example()
        'The string array needs to be 0 based. These are the host strings to wait for.
        Dim strArray(0 To 2) As String
        strArray(0) = "Washington"
        strArray(1) = "Adams"
        strArray(2) = "Jefferson"
        'At this point your macro will do something to which the host will respond.
        'Example press the return key.
        ThisScreen.SendControlKey ControlKeyCode_Return
        Dim retval As ReturnCode
        Dim returnStringIndex As Long 'This is a 1 based number
        retval = ThisScreen.WaitForStrings4(strArray(), 3000, returnStringIndex, WaitForOption_AllowKeystrokes)
        If retval = ReturnCode_Success Then
        'The returnStringIndex is now set.
        'To determine which string in the zero based array subtract one.
        Dim returnedString As String
        returnedString = strArray(returnStringIndex - 1)
        End If        
    End Sub
    See Also