Error Messages

The following table lists the error messages that might appear while you are using Gateway Administrator, as well as suggested responses to these messages. For information about the error messages associated with each transport, refer to the online Help.

Error Message Description/Recommendation
A host channel with that name already exists. Choose a different name for the new SABRE Host Channel and try again.
A Host Connection with that name already exists. You cannot add a host connection that has the same name as an existing host connection. Choose a new name (up to 15 characters) and try again.
A path with this name already exists. Do you want to overwrite it with the one you just created? You cannot add a path that has the same name as an existing path. Choose a new name (up to 15 characters) and try again.
A Pool with that name already exists. Choose a new name for the address pool and try again.
A GTID pool must be selected. Select a GTID Pool from the list.
A specific GTID must be selected. Select a GTID from the list.
An error occurred while trying to add a new Host Connection. A severe error occurred while trying to create a new MATIP Host connection. Contact Attachmate.
An error occurred while trying to add a new Pool. A severe error occurred while trying to create a new address pool. Contact Attachmate.
An error occurred while trying to add to the Address Pool. A severe error occurred while trying to add an address to a Pool. Contact Attachmate.
An error occurred while trying to delete from the Address Pool. A severe error occurred while trying to delete an address from a Pool. Contact Attachmate.
An error occurred while trying to delete the current Host Connection. A severe error occurred while trying to delete a MATIP Host connection. Contact Attachmate.
Changes are pending. Please Save or Cancel the current updates before continuing. Save or cancel pending changes before continuing.
Changes have been made. Would you like to save them? You tried to switch focus from one path to another without saving your changes. Click OK to save the changes or Cancel to cancel the changes.
Host Connections names must be between 1 and 15 alphanumeric characters long. Choose a new name and try again.
Invalid SABRE address value. SABRE LNIATA address bytes must be a hexadecimal number between 0x00 and 0xFF, inclusive. Choose a new value and try again.
MATIP address bytes must be a hexadecimal number in the range 0x00-0xFF, inclusive. Choose a new value and try again.
Memory Error Insufficient memory is available to run Gateway Administrator. Close any unneeded applications and try again.
Old password does not verify, try again? When changing the password, you specified an old password that does not match the existing password. Retype the old password and try again.
Password does not verify, try again? The password you typed to access Gateway Administrator is not valid. Retype the password and try again.
Please specify a DNS name or IP address for the host. Type an IP address or Domain Name for the SABRE Host.
Please specify a new host channel name. Type a name for the new SABRE host channel.
Please specify a Pool name. Type a name for the address pool.
Request to delete item in use rejected. You must first delete all references to the item. You tried to delete an item that is in use. For example, you might have tried to delete an INT1 environment that was in use by an INT1 path. You must remove all references to the item that you want to delete before you can delete it.
Sorry this Install Type is not supported by this version of Gateway Administrator. You tried to use Gateway Administrator with a version of the INFOConnect database that it does not support. Make sure that the Windows registry (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Attachmate\AlcGW\-WorkstationUser\Preferences\DirIC32CFG) specifies a valid INFOConnect database and try again.
Spaces are not allowed in the fieldname. You typed a space in a field (such as Class Name or Channel Name) that does not allow spaces. Use underlines or hyphens instead of spaces and try again.
The two copies of your new password are not the same, try again? The password you typed in the Confirm New Password text box does not match the password you typed in the New Password text box. Retype either the New Password or Confirm New Password passwords and try again.
There are no entries to delete. There are no address pools to delete.
This Host Connection is still in use. Continue? The Host connection is still in use by at least one Host Path.
You can not have a blank password. You must specify a password in order to start Gateway Administrator. Type a password in the New Password and Confirm New Password text boxes and try again.
You do not have a valid INFOConnect installed, or it's been corrupted. Gateway Administrator cannot open the INFOConnect database. The database might not be the appropriate one, or the file might have become corrupted or damaged. Make sure that the Windows registry (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Attachmate\AlcGW\-WorkstationUser\Preferences\DirIC32CFG) specifies a valid INFOConnect database and try again. If necessary, reinstall INFOConnect Airlines Gateway.
You do not have INFOConnect installed, or it's not accessible at this time. Gateway Administrator could not find the INFOConnect database. Make sure that the database resides in the Windows folder on the server where INFOConnect Airlines Gateway was installed and try again. If necessary, reinstall INFOConnect Airlines Gateway.
You must have a fieldname to continue. Type a value for the specified field and try again.
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