InfoConnect for Unisys VBA Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.IbmHosts Library
ObjectContextMenu Provides methods and properties for interacting with a terminal session's context menu
ObjectContextMenuItem Represents an individual item within a context menu.
ObjectContextMenus Defines properties and operations on the collection of context menus currently defined in the session document
ObjectFieldAttributes Defines valid values used to determine a field's attributes.
ObjectFileTransfer Provides properties for configuring host file transfer and methods for executing a file transfer to or from the host.
ObjectHostField HostField represents a field on the host screen that includes field attributes, a start position, and a field length.
ObjectHotspot Maps a key to a sequence of one or more input actions.
ObjectHotSpots Obtains or specifies information that pertains to hotspots behavior.
ObjectIbmScreen IbmScreen represents the host application screen. It provides methods and properties to access host screen data.
ObjectIbmTerminal The IbmTerminal is an IBM 3270 or 5250 host emulation session object.
ObjectInputMapAction An action that can be mapped to something in an input map.
ObjectKeyboardMapper Provides the ability to view keyboard mappings for the terminal session, and to remap keys programmatically.
ObjectKeyboardMapping Maps a key to a sequence of one or more input actions.
ObjectMacro Methods, properties, and events associated with running or recording macros in Reflection.
ObjectMouseButtonCombination Represents the state of a particular mouse button mapping.
ObjectMouseMapper Provides the ability to view mouse mappings for the terminal session, and to remap mouse button combinations programmatically.
ObjectMouseMapping Maps a mouse button/modifier key combination to a sequence of one or more input actions.
ObjectOIA Provides access to properties of the Operator Information Area (host session status line).
ObjectPrintOptions PrintOptions object represents print screen and printer emulation configuration options.
ObjectScreenCharacter ScreenCharacter represents one character on the host screen.
ObjectScreenPoint ScreenPoint represents a coordinate of a row and a column on the host screen.
ObjectScreenRegion Defines an area on the host screen for selecting text.
ObjectTheme Theme object represents a visual theme in the application.
ObjectThemeColor Provides implementation of properties and methods to get and set terminal colors within a Reflection theme.
ObjectThemeCursor Cursor configuration properties for the current Theme.
ObjectThemeFont Font configuration properties for the current Theme.
ObjectThemeSounds Sounds configuration properties for the current Theme.
ObjectUiControlActionMapper Methods and properties associated with accessing and setting the input map action sequence for a given user interface control.
EventAfterConnect Occurs after Reflection connects to the host.
EventAfterDisconnect Occurs after Reflection disconnects from the host.
EventAfterSendKeys Occurs after a data key or string is sent to the host.
EventBeforeConnect Occurs before Reflection connects to the host.
EventBeforeDisconnect Occurs before Reflection disconnects from the host.
EventBeforeSendControlKey Occurs before a control key is sent to the host.
EventBeforeSendKeys Occurs before a data key is sent to the host.
EventClosed Occurs before the session closes.

This event occurs when an unredacted Primary Account Number (PAN) is displayed on the screen or in productivity features, such as Screen History. It also occurs when an unredacted PAN is copied from the terminal (for example, when the PAN is copied to a text file or a Microsoft Office application).

This event is enabled by configuring settings on the Setup Information Privacy dialog box. For more information, see "Logging Credit Card Access" in the Reflection VBA Guide.

EventCursorInNewField Occurs as soon as the cursor moves into a different field.
EventDefinedEvent This event is triggered when an event defined by the DefineEvent method occurs. Events defined in this way remain defined as long as your Reflection session lasts, or until they are removed using the RemoveEvent or ClearEvents methods.
EventKeyboardLocked Occurs as soon as the keyboard is locked.
EventKeyboardUnlocked Occurs as soon as the keyboard is unlocked.
EventMouseClick This event occurs when a session window is clicked by the mouse.
EventMouseClickEx This event occurs when a session window is clicked by the mouse.
EventNewScreenReady Occurs as soon as the screen has been quiet for the time duration specified by the ScreenSettleTime property.
EventScreenChanged Occurs as soon as the host data causes the data on the screen to change.
EnumerationAS400AuthorityOption Specifies the level of authority to associate with a file that is transferred to the host.
EnumerationAS400CharSetOption Specifies the character set to use for transfers to and from an AS/400.
EnumerationAS400ColumnSeperatorOption Defines values that specify which character to use as the column separator in 5250 terminal sessions.
EnumerationAS400DateFormatOption Specifies the date format for selected fields that have an AS/400 field type of date.
EnumerationAS400DateSeparatorOption Specifies a character to use as a date separator in selected fields that have an AS/400 field type of date.
EnumerationAS400DecimalSeparatorOption Specifies a character to use as a decimal separator in selected fields that have an AS/400 field type of packed decimal or zoned decimal.
EnumerationAS400HostFileTypeOption Specifies the type of host file to create.
EnumerationAS400HostTPOption Specifies which transaction program to use.
EnumerationAS400NationalCharSetOption Specifies the character set Reflection uses for character translations during AS/400 data transfers.
EnumerationAS400ObjectsOption Specifies whether data should be transferred to a new member on the AS/400 or to an existing member, and whether the file that will contain the member already exists.
EnumerationAS400OutputDestinationOption Specifies whether host data is received to a PC file or to your display.
EnumerationAS400ReceiveConversionOption Specifies a conversion format for files received from an AS/400.
EnumerationAS400SendConversionOption Specifies a conversion format for files received from an AS/400.
EnumerationAS400StatusLineOption Options for specifying which of three different host status lines appears at the bottom of the terminal window when you are connected to an AS/400.
EnumerationAS400TimeFormatOption Specifies the time format for selected fields that have an AS/400 field type of time.
EnumerationAS400TimeSeparatorOption Specifies a character to use as a time separator in selected fields that have an AS/400 field type of time.
EnumerationAS400TransportOption Specifies the protocol to use for data transfers.
EnumerationAS400WordWrapOption Defines valid values for the 5250 word wrap feature.
EnumerationConnectionStatus Connection status.
EnumerationContextMenuItemType Specifies a type of context menu item
EnumerationControlKeyCode Defines valid values for control keys.
EnumerationConvertCrLfOption Specifies whether a carriage return and a line-feed character at the end of each line of an binary/ASCII file are removed (when the file is sent to the host) or added (when the file is received from the host).
EnumerationCopyDataDelimiterOption Specifies options for the IbmScreen.CopyDataSeparation property
EnumerationCursorBlinkRateOption Defines valid values that determine the speed at which the cursor blinks in the terminal window.
EnumerationCursorMovementStyleOption Defines valid values that determine how the cursor moves between composed Thai characters.
EnumerationCursorShapeOption Defines valid values that determine the cursor appearance in the terminal window.
EnumerationCutFillCharacterOption Defines valid values that specify whether Cut and Clear actions replace characters with nulls or spaces.
EnumerationDbcsUnmappedCharOption Defines valid values for DBCS unmapped characters.
EnumerationDbcsUserDefinedCharacterSourceOption Defines valid values that specify the location of DBCS user-defined character fonts for 5250 sessions.
EnumerationDefaultExistsActionOption Specifies what happens when, for an IND$FILE transfer, the destination file already exists.
EnumerationDefaultTransferTypeOption Specifies the default type for Mainframe transfers.
EnumerationErrorStatus Host session error statuses.
EnumerationFieldType Defines valid field type values.
EnumerationFileExistsOption Specifies, for IND$FILE transfers, what happens when the destination file already exists.
EnumerationFilenameCase8Dot3Option Specifies how the Transfer dialog box displays filenames of PC files created in 16-bit applications.
EnumerationFileSystemOption Defines valid values for specifying the file system.
EnumerationFileTransferRequestType Specifies the transfer request file type.
EnumerationFileTransferTypeOption Specifies the transfer protocol for Reflection to use.
EnumerationFindOption Determines the direction to search for text on the screen.
EnumerationGetTextArea Defines options that specify how to handle the screen data between Start Row/Col and End Row/Col.
EnumerationGetTextAttr Describes the field types to return.
EnumerationGetTextFlags Specifies formatting options.
EnumerationGetTextWrap Specifies screen wrapping characteristics.
EnumerationGraphicsCrosshairColorOption Valid values for the color of the graphics cross hair cursor in a 3179G terminal session.
EnumerationGraphicsCursorShapeOption Valid values for the shape of the graphics cursor in 3179G terminal sessions.
EnumerationGraphicsDeviceOption Defines valid values for the type of graphics device Reflection emulates for 3179G terminal sessions.
EnumerationHostCodePageOption Defines valid values for the host code page character set used for character translations.
EnumerationHostKeyboardTypeOption Defines options that specify which keys can be used in numeric fields.
EnumerationHostSystem Options for the 3270 File Transfer host operating system.
EnumerationHotspotsMouseButtonOption Specifies options for mouse button to use when invoking hotspots
EnumerationHotspotStyleOption Specifies options for how hotspots appear on the screen
EnumerationIbmTerminalAttributeOption Identifies a host terminal attribute.
EnumerationIbmTerminalType Defines the IBM Host/Terminal type.
EnumerationIDMAttributeOption Criteria used for obtaining a device name from the ID Management server.
EnumerationIndAllocUnitOption Specifies the unit of disk space for your primary and secondary space allocations.
EnumerationINDFileTransferType Specifies the default type for Mainframe transfers.
EnumerationIndRecordFormatOption Specifies the record format for files created on the host by an IND$FILE transfer.
EnumerationIndStrucFieldSizeOption Specifies whether Reflection uses the Write Structured Field protocol for IND$FILE transfers and if so, sets the buffer size.
EnumerationInputFieldUnderlinesOption Defines options that specify how Reflection underlines input fields on host screens.
EnumerationInputMapActionID Actions that can be mapped to keyboard maps or mouse maps.
EnumerationInsertArenaOption Defines options that specify the extent to which Reflection applies the logic for character insertion, as described for the terminal's InsertProtocol property.
EnumerationInsertProtocolOption Defines options that specify what Reflection does when users attempt to insert a character.
EnumerationKeepAlivePacketsOption Defines options that specify how Reflection periodically polls the host to determine if Telnet connections remain active during intervals when data is not sent to the host.
EnumerationKeyboardErrorResetOption Defines options that specify how keyboard errors are processed.
EnumerationKeys Specifies key codes and modifiers.
EnumerationMacroDestinationOption Indicates the location to which a macro is saved.
EnumerationMacroEnumerationOption Indicates the source of the macros.
EnumerationMouseButtons Constants that define which mouse button was pressed.
EnumerationMouseClickCount Number of clicks for a Mouse Map mapping.
EnumerationMouseShapeOption Defines options that specify the appearance of the mouse pointer in the terminal window.
EnumerationOpenUrlActionLocationOption Valid values for the second parameter to the openURLAction action. This determines where to open the URL that is specified in the first parameter.
EnumerationPasteLineBreakOption Defines options for specifying the character to insert as a line break when pasting data that contains line breaks from the Clipboard to a field on the terminal screen.
EnumerationPrintBackgroundOption Options for specifying which background color to use when printing the terminal screen.
EnumerationPrintCharsPerInchOption Options for specifying how many characters to print per inch.
EnumerationPrintDbcsHorzFontSizeOption Options for specifying whether Reflection doubles the horizontal size of double-byte characters when it prints host screens or print jobs to make them more legible.
EnumerationPrintDbcsRotationAngleOption Options for specifying whether to rotate characters 270 degrees when printing host print jobs or terminal screens.
EnumerationPrintDevicePaperSourceOption Options for specifying the paper source on the host printer.
EnumerationPrinterOrientationOption Options for specifying the default page orientation used to print host documents.
EnumerationPrintFileExistsActionOption Options for specifying what Reflection does when you send a print job to an existing file.
EnumerationPrintOverstrikeOption Options for specifying whether Reflection simulates bold printing by using offset overstrike printing.
EnumerationPrintPaperSizeOption Options for specifying the paper size to use for the current default Windows printer.
EnumerationPrintPaperSourceOption Options for specifying the paper source to use for the current default Windows printer.
EnumerationPrintScreenOption Options for specifying how the PrintScreen method prints screen text.
EnumerationPrintSosiPresentationOption Options for specifying how Reflection treats shift-out and shift-in (SO/SI) characters when printing host print jobs or terminal screens.
EnumerationPrintWhatOption In 3179G terminal sessions, this setting specifies whether to print only graphics, only text, or graphics and text when printing from the terminal window.
EnumerationRulerCursorTypeOption Options for specifying the ruler cursor type.
EnumerationScreenColor Defines host screen colors specified by the host.
EnumerationSelectionMode Specifies the type of a selected region (Stream or Block).
EnumerationTelnetAttnOption Defines values that specify what happens when the ATTN host key is transmitted.
EnumerationTelnetEncryptionStrengthOption Defines options for specifying the encryption strength for Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) datastream encryption.
EnumerationTelnetSysReqOption Defines values that specify what happens when the SysReq function is transmitted.
EnumerationTerminalModel Defines the options for terminal models.
EnumerationTextBlinkRateOption Defines values that specify the blink rate for text displayed in the terminal window.
EnumerationTextComparisonOption Defines options that indicate how text is compared against the text on the host screen.
EnumerationTLSSSLVersionOption Specifies options for TLS and SSL versions
EnumerationXStatus X-clock status.
See Also



2015 Attachmate

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