Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.Common Library : ControlKeyCode Enumeration |
Member | Description |
ActivateListBox | T27 ActivateListBox key. |
AlignDCP | T27 AlignDCP key. |
AltCursor | Alternate Cursor key. |
Arnk | Arnk. |
Attention | Attention key to activate attention program (AS/400 only). |
AutoMoveDown | Auto MoveDown. |
BackSpace | Backspace key (nondestructive). |
BackTab | Tab Backward key. |
Bell | T27 Bell key. |
Bound | T27 Bound key. |
CancelTransfer | Cancel transfer. |
CarriageReturn | Cursor to End of page. |
Change | Change. |
Clear | Clear key. |
ClearAllSplitScreens | Clear all split screens. |
ClearBroadcast | Clear Broadcast. |
ClearChange | Clear Change |
ClearPageAndFCCs | Clear all screen data including FCC's. |
ClearPageCursorHome | Clear unprotected screen data, move cursor to home position. |
ClearPagesandFCCs | Uts ClearPagesandFCCs key. |
ClearPartition | Clear Partition key. |
ClearToEndOfField | Clear unprotected data from cursor position to end of field. |
ClearToEndOfLine | Clear unprotected data from cursor position to end of line. |
ClearToEndOfPage | Clear unprotected data from cursor position to end of page. |
ClearUnprotectedCharacter | Clear unprotected character position. |
ClearVarTabs | T27 ClearVarTabs key. |
CloseHostApplication | Close host application. |
Colon | Colon. |
ColumnSeparatorLeft | Left column separtor. |
ColumnSeparatorRight | Right column separator. |
ControlPageToggle | Toggle control page. |
CrossOfLorraine | Cross Of Lorraine. |
Ctrl | T27 Ctrl key. |
CursorBlink | Cursor Blink key. |
CursorSelect | Cursor Select key. |
CursorToEndOfField | Cursor to end of field. |
CursorToEndOfLine | Cursor to end of line. |
CursorToEndOfPage | Cursor to End of page. |
CursorToEndOfPageAndTransmit | Move cursor to end of page and transmit |
CursorToNextProtectedField | Cursor to next protected field. |
CursorToNextUnprotectedField | Cursor to next unprotected field. |
CursorToStartOfField | Cursor to start of field. |
CursorToStartOfLine | Cursor to start of line. |
CursorWordLeft | T27 CursorWordLeft key. |
CursorWordRight | T27 CursorWordRight key. |
DelCharByPage | T27 DelCharByPage key. |
Delete | Delete key. |
DeleteChar | Delete Character key. |
DeleteFromPage | Delete data from page |
DeleteLine | Delete line from page |
DeleteWord | Delete Word key. |
DestructiveBackSpace | Destructive Backspace key. |
DisableForms | T27 DisableForms key. |
DisableLowerCase | T27 DisableLowerCase key. |
DisableSearch | T27 DisableSearch key. |
Display | Display. |
Dollar | Dollar. |
Down | Down Arrow key. |
DownDouble | Down Double key. |
Dup | Dup key. |
Duplicate | Duplicate key. |
DuplicateLine | Duplicate current line. |
EditCopy | Copy. |
EditCut | Cut. |
EditPaste | Paste. |
EditSelectDown | Edit select down. |
EditSelectLeft | Edit select left. |
EditSelectRight | Edit select right. |
EditSelectUp | Edit select up. |
EnableForms | T27 EnableForms key. |
EnableLowerCase | T27 EnableLowerCase key. |
EnableSearch | T27 EnableSearch key. |
End | End. |
EndItem | End Item. |
EndOfField | End of Field key. |
EndTransaction | EndTransaction. |
Erase_Eof | Erase to end of field. |
EraseEOD | Erase EOD. |
EraseEOF | Erase EOF. |
EraseEOL | Erase EOL. |
EraseInput | Erase Input key. |
ExtGr | Ext Gr key. |
F1 | F1/PF1 function key. |
F10 | F10/PF10 function key. |
F11 | F11/PF11 function key. |
F12 | F12/PF12 function key. |
F13 | F13/PF13 function key. |
F14 | F14/PF14 function key. |
F15 | F15/PF15 function key. |
F16 | F16/PF16 function key. |
F17 | F17/PF17 function key. |
F18 | F18/PF18 function key. |
F19 | F19/PF19 function key. |
F2 | F2/PF2 function key. |
F20 | F20/PF20 function key. |
F21 | F21/PF21 function key. |
F22 | F22/PF22 function key. |
F3 | F3/PF3 function key. |
F4 | F4/PF4 function key. |
F5 | F5/PF5 function key. |
F6 | F6/PF6 function key. |
F7 | F7/PF7 function key. |
F8 | F8/PF8 function key. |
F9 | F9/PF9 function key. |
FCCClear | FCC Clear. |
FCCDialogBox | Show FCC dialog box. |
FCCEnable | FCC enable. |
FCCGenerate | FCC generate. |
FCCLocate | FCC locate. |
FieldDelimiter | Field Delimiter key. |
FieldExit | Field Exit key. |
FieldMark | Field Mark key. |
FieldMinus | Field Minus key. |
FieldPlus | Field Plus key. |
FileToPage | File to page. |
FormFeed | Form feed. |
GBPound | GB Pound. |
Help | Display the host help screen. |
Hex | Hex key. |
Home | Home key. |
Ignore | Ignore. |
InsCharByPage | T27 InsCharByPage key. |
Insert | Insert key. |
InsertInLine | Insert in line. |
InsertInPage | Insert in page. |
InsertLine | InsertLine in page. |
InvalidKey | An invalid key value. |
Left | Left Arrow key. |
LeftBlinker | Left blinker. |
LeftDouble | Left Double key. |
LineFeed | Line feed. |
Local | T27 Local key. |
Mark | T27 Mark key. |
MessageWait | Message wait |
MoveLineDown | T27 MoveLineDown key. |
MoveLineUp | T27 MoveLineUp key. |
NewLine | New Line key. |
NextFilePage | T27 NextFilePage key. |
NextPage | Uts NextPage key. |
NextWindow | Next window. |
NextWord | Next Word key. |
OptionalField | Optional Field. |
PageDown | Page Down key. |
PageDownFile | Page down file. |
PageNegativeVideo | T27 PageNegativeVideo key. |
PageNormalVideo | T27 PageNormalVideo key. |
PageToFile | Page to file. |
PageUp | Page Up key. |
PanLeft | Pan Left key. |
PanRight | Pan Right key. |
PartitionJump | Partition Jump key. |
PlusCr | Plus CR key. |
PreviousWord | Previous Word key. |
PrevPage | Uts PrevPage key. |
PrevWindow | Previous window. |
Print the host screen. | |
PrintAll | T27 PrintAll key. |
PrintAllFF | T27 PrintAllFF key. |
PrintEnter | Print Enter. |
PrintRange | Print range. |
PrintUnprotectedFF | T27 PrintUnprotectedFF key. |
ProtReset | Prot Reset. |
PutEtx | T27 PutEtx key. |
Recall | T27 Recall key. |
RecallLastInput | Recall last input. |
RecallNextInput | Recall next input. |
RecallNextIP | Recall NextIP. |
RecallPrevIP | Recall PrevIP. |
Receive | T27 Receive key. |
RedirectOutputToScreen1 | Redirect output to screen 1. |
RedirectOutputToScreen2 | Redirect output to screen 2. |
RedirectOutputToScreen3 | Redirect output to screen 3. |
RedirectOutputToScreen4 | Redirect output to screen 4. |
RedirectOutputToScreen5 | Redirect output to screen 5. |
RedirectOutputToScreen6 | Redirect output to screen 6. |
RedirectOutputToScreen7 | Redirect output to screen 7. |
RedirectOutputToScreen8 | Redirect output to screen 8. |
RedirectOutputToScreen9 | Redirect output to screen 9. |
Reenter | Reenter. |
Repeat | Repeat. |
Reset | Reset key. |
ReturnNoDisplay | T27 ReturnNoDisplay key. |
ReverseField | Reverse Field key. |
Right | Right Arrow key. |
RightBlinker | Right blinker. |
RightDouble | Right Double key. |
RollDown | Roll Down key. |
RollPageDown | T27 RollPageDown key. |
RollPageUp | T27 RollPageUp key. |
RollUp | Roll Up key. |
RuleLine | Ruler Cursor Line key. |
ScrollDown | Scroll Down key. |
ScrollDownHostResponseList | ScrollDown HostResponseList. |
ScrollLineDown | Scroll LineDown. |
ScrollLineUp | Scroll LineUp. |
ScrollPageDown | Scroll PageDown. |
ScrollPageUp | Scroll PageUp. |
ScrollUp | Scroll Up key. |
ScrollUpHostResponseList | ScrollUp HostResponseList. |
SearchNextChar | T27 SearchNextChar key. |
SelectHostApplication | Select Host application. |
SelectSplitScreen1 | Select split screen 1. |
SelectSplitScreen2 | Select split screen 2. |
SelectSplitScreen3 | Select split screen 3. |
SelectSplitScreen4 | Select split screen 4. |
SelectSplitScreen5 | Select split screen 5. |
SelectSplitScreen6 | Select split screen 6. |
SelectSplitScreen7 | Select split screen 7. |
SelectSplitScreen8 | Select split screen 8. |
SelectSplitScreen9 | Select split screen 9. |
SetCodacom | SetCodacom. |
SetMobileHome | T27 SetMobileHome key. |
SetStartOfEntry | Set start of entry. |
SetTab | Set tab position. |
Sf1 | T27 Sf1 key. |
Sf10 | T27 Sf10 key. |
Sf2 | T27 Sf2 key. |
Sf3 | T27 Sf3 key. |
Sf4 | T27 Sf4 key. |
Sf5 | T27 Sf5 key. |
Sf6 | T27 Sf6 key. |
Sf7 | T27 Sf7 key. |
Sf8 | T27 Sf8 key. |
Sf9 | T27 Sf9 key. |
Som | Som. |
Specify | T27 Specify key. |
StartSpcft | Start Spcft. |
Statistics | Statistics. |
StopSpcft | Stop Spcft. |
Store | T27 Store key. |
StrikeThrough | Strikethrough. |
SystemMode | System 80 System mode. |
SystemRequest | Send system request. |
Tab | Tab Forward key. |
Test | Activate test program (AS/400 legacy only). |
TextAssistBeginBold | Text Assist Begin Bold key. |
TextAssistBeginOfLine | Text Assist Begin of Line key. |
TextAssistBeginUnderline | Text Assist Begin Underline key. |
TextAssistBottomOfPage | Text Assist Bottom of Page key. |
TextAssistCarrierReturn | Text Assist Carrier Return key. |
TextAssistCenter | Text Assist Center key. |
TextAssistEndBold | Text Assist End Bold key. |
TextAssistEndOfLine | Text Assist End of Line key. |
TextAssistHalfIndexDown | Text Assist Half Index Down key. |
TextAssistHalfIndexUp | Text Assist Half Index Up key. |
TextAssistInsertSymbols | Text Assist Insert Symbols key. |
TextAssistNextStop | Text Assist Next Stop key. |
TextAssistNextTextColumn | Text Assist Exit Text Column key. |
TextAssistPageEnd | Text Assist Page End key. |
TextAssistRequiredSpace | Text Assist Required Space key. |
TextAssistRequiredTab | Text Assist Required Tab key. |
TextAssistStop | Text Assist Stop key. |
TextAssistTextTabAdvance | Text Assist Text Tab Advance key. |
TextAssistTopOfPage | Text Assist Top of Page key. |
TextAssistWordUnderline | Text Assist Word Underline key. |
ToggleControlChars | Toggle control chars. |
ToggleMsgWaitBeep | Toggle msg wait beep. |
ToggleTTYMode | T27 ToggleTTYMode key. |
ToggleVarTabs | T27 ToggleVarTabs key. |
Transmit | Send data to the host (Enter). |
TransmitLine | T27 TransmitLine key. |
Umsg | Umsg. |
UnderScore | Underscore. |
UnlockKeyboard | Unlock keyboard. |
Up | Up Arrow key. |
UpDouble | Up Double key. |
UpperScore | Upperscore. |
VertTabForward | T27 VertTabForward key. |
VertTabReverse | T27 VertTabReverse key. |
WorkstationMode | System 80 Workstation mode. |
Xitn | Xitn. |