IWebElement Represents an HTML element inside of a Web page." />
InfoConnect for Unisys
IWebElement Interface Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by IWebElement.

Public Properties
 PropertyAllGets all elements underneath the current element.  
 PropertyCanHaveChildrenGets a value that indicates whether this element has child elements.  
 PropertyChildrenGets all children of the current element.  
 PropertyDocumentGets the HtmlDocument to which this element belongs.  
 PropertyEnabledGets or sets whether the user can input data into this element.  
 PropertyFirstChildGets the next element below this element in the document tree.  
 PropertyIdGets or sets a label by which to identify the element.  
 PropertyInnerHtmlGets or sets the HTML markup underneath this element.  
 PropertyInnerTextGets or sets the text assigned to the element.  
 PropertyNameGets or sets the name of the element.  
 PropertyNextSiblingGets the next element at the same level as this element in the document tree.  
 PropertyOuterHtmlGets or sets the current element's HTML code.  
 PropertyOuterTextGets or sets the current element's text.  
 PropertyStyleGets or sets a comma-delimited list of styles for the current element.  
 PropertyTagNameGets the name of the HTML tag.  
Public Methods
 MethodClickClicks the link if the Web element is a link.  
 MethodExtractExtracts text that is delimited by pretext and posttext from an HTML text source.  
 MethodGetAttributeGets the value of the named attribute on the element.  
 MethodGetChildrenTagNamesGets all tag names of children.  
 MethodGetElementGets the first Web element by an XPath path, relative to the current web element.  
 MethodGetElementsByTagNameGets a collection of elements in the HTML WebDocument by HTML. tagName.  
 MethodGetTextGets text from the text field if the Web element is an input text type.  
 MethodInvokeMemberOverloaded. Executes a method that is unique to the current element.  
 MethodPutTextPuts text in the text field if the Web element is an input text type.  
 MethodScrollIntoViewScrolls through the document that contains this element until the top or bottom edge of the element is aligned with the top of the document's window.  
 MethodSetAttributeSets the value of the named attribute on the element.  
 MethodSubmitSubmits the form if the Web element is a form.  
See Also