InfoConnect for Unisys
IOS2200FileTransfer Interface Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by IOS2200FileTransfer.

Public Properties
 PropertyAutomaticRecoveryGets or sets a value indicating whether to restore the original version of the OS 2200 Editor file that was being modified when a connection with the OS 2200 Editor is broken.  
 PropertyDownloadCommandGets or sets the command to run the OS 2200 Editor and download a file from the OS 2200 Editor to the PC.  
 PropertyDownloadCommandReplyGets or sets the the response that the OS 2200 Editor sends to the PC when it receives a request to download a file to the PC.  
 PropertyDownloadCompleteGets or sets the command that the OS 2200 Editor sends to the PC when the download is complete.  
 PropertyDownloadCompleteReplyGets or sets the command that the PC sends to the OS 2200 Editor when the file has been received.  
 PropertyIfExistsGets or sets a value specifying what happens if the PC file exists on downloads.  
 PropertyParentGets the parent object (IFileTransfer).  
 PropertySuppressDisplayGets or sets a value indicating whether to prevent display of the file contents on the screen while the file is being transferred.  
 PropertyTabCharacterGets or sets the character in the PC file that will be converted to a tab character when the file is uploaded to the OS 2200 Editor. Once this character is converted to a tab on the OS 2200 Editor, it cannot be converted back to the original character. If you do not want to convert any characters in the PC file to tab characters, type a character that does not exist in the PC file, such as |.  
 PropertyTransferTimeoutGets or sets the number of seconds (0-100) that the file transfer protocol will wait for a host response before canceling the transfer.  
 PropertyUploadCommandGets or sets the command to run the OS 2200 Editor and create a new file.  
 PropertyUploadCommandReplyGets or sets the response that the OS 2200 Editor sends to the PC to indicate that a file has been created.  
 PropertyUploadCompleteGets or sets the command that the PC sends to the OS 2200 Editor when the file transfer from the PC is complete.  
 PropertyUploadCompleteReplyGets or sets the response that the OS 2200 Editor sends to the PC when it receives notification that the file upload is complete.  
Public Methods
 MethodReceiveFileDownloads a file from the host to your local PC.  
 MethodSendFileUploads a file to the host.  
See Also