- Connect to the FileXpress Gateway Administrator.
You see the Transfer Sites page. This page lists the sites you manage.
- Click Add to open the New Transfer Site page.
- Configure transfer directories.
Transfer site name: This is the folder name users see when they connect to the Transfer Client.
Directory name: This is the name for the actual physical directory on the storage server. This directory is created when the first user logs into the site. By default, this value is filled in automatically with the transfer site name when you move your cursor. In most cases, you should use this default. Specify a different folder if you want your transfer to use an existing directory on the file storage server.
- (Optional) Configure email notification. (To support email notification, email settings must be configured by a FileXpress system administrator.)
Send email notification: When this is enabled (the default), users you add to this transfer are sent a transfer site access email notification when you save this site.
Custom message: Use this optional field to add additional information to the email message. (The text you enter here replaces the $CUSTOM_MESSAGE$ token in the transfer site access email template.)
- (Optional) Assign Post Transfer Actions.
The Add Actions drop-down shows available Post Transfer Actions. The actions you select run only after a successful file upload to this site. If no actions are listed, it means that none have been configured.
- Add one or more users to the site. Users you add will see this site when they connect to the FileXpress Transfer Client.
Existing User: Use this area to add existing users or groups to the transfer site. They can be in the FileXpress directory, or in any additional LDAP directory that has been added by the FileXpress system administrator.
New FileXpress User: Use this area to create new FileXpress users. New users are sent an account creation email in addition to a transfer site access email when you save this site. (This option might not be visible. You must have the Manage FileXpress users role enabled to view this area.)
- (Optional) Configure email notification and user permissions.
Notifications: Use these icons to specify who will receive email notifications after file uploads (
) and downloads (
). Click an icon to enable or disable permissions. Pale gray icons indicate that a permission is disabled.
Permissions: Use these icons to specify who can upload files (
), download files (
), and manage the site (
). By default, all users are given both upload and download permissions and only the site creator is given management rights.
Note: Members of the Administrators group can view all transfer sites. Other users can view only those sites that they have permission to manage.
- Click Save.