Change the JRE
The FileXpress Transfer Server and FileXpress Gateway Administrator are Java applications. A correctly configured Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is installed and used by default. Use the procedures below to configure these services to use a different JRE.
- Each time you upgrade your JRE, you need to apply the unlimited strength policy files to the new JRE.
- Each time you upgrade FileXpress Gateway or apply a hotfix, you need to repeat the changes to the properties files.
Install a Java JDK from the Oracle site
- Go to the Java SE Downloads page.
- Download and install the JRE using either the JDK download or the Server JRE download.
Note: Updates to JREs you download this way are not automatic, and each update uses a new, version-specific folder (for example C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_<nn>\jre).
Apply the Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files to your JRE
- Go to the Java SE Downloads page.
- Download the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files.
- Unzip the downloaded file and locate the following two policy files:
- Locate the security folder in the Java install you want to use (<java-home>\jre\lib\security).
- Replace the limited strength policy files in that folder with the unlimited strength policy files.
Note: You need to repeat this procedure each time you upgrade your JRE.
Edit the properties files and restart the servers
- Locate the configuration properties file (container.conf) for both the Gateway Administrator and the Transfer Server:
<install path>\GatewayAdministrator\conf\container.conf
<install path>\TransferServer\conf\container.conf
- Open each of these files in a text editor and locate the parameter. Edit this parameter to specify the full path to the java command (without the .exe extension) in your JRE. For example:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_<nn>\bin\java
- Restart the Gateway Administrator Server and the Transfer Server.
Note: You need to repeat this procedure each time you upgrade FileXpress Gateway or apply a hotfix.