Use Quick Add to Add a Transfer Site and New User

The Quick Add feature adds a user and transfer site in one simple step. You can use this procedure to confirm that email registration is working and that users can successfully transfer files.

Before you begin

To create a user and transfer site

  1. Log on to Gateway Administrator using the default admin account (or any account that has the Manage transfer sites and Manage FileXpress users roles enabled).
  2. On the Transfer Sites page, click Quick Add.
  3. Enter a Transfer site name.

    Note: Site names must be unique. If you enter an existing name, you will see an error message when you click Create.

  4. Enter a User email address. For initial testing, use an account that you have access to.

    Note: Each email address is associated with a unique user. When you specify an email address that does not yet exist in the database, the new user will be created with the email address as the UserID. If you enter an existing email, the new transfer site is added and made available to that user. The email registration steps below assume that this is a new email.

  5. Click Create.
  6. When the email address is not associated with an existing user, you will see a confirmation prompt asking if you are sure you want to create a new account. Click OK to confirm.

    If you don't see a confirmation prompt, it means that a user account with this email already exists.

To complete user registration and log on to the Transfer Client

  1. Log on to the email account you specified for the new user. You should see two email message sent from FileXpress Gateway. If you have made no changes to the default email templates, the subject lines say "Your FileXpress user account" and "FileXpress File Sharing: You Have Access to a Transfer Site."
  2. Open the email with the subject line "Your FileXpress user account."
  3. Click the link or copy it into your browser.

    Your browser displays a warning message. This is because the FileXpress Transfer Server installs with a self-signed security certificate that is unknown to your browser. For initial testing purposes, you can ignore this warning and proceed with the connection (Internet Explorer or Chrome) or add an exception (Firefox). After you replace the self-signed certificate with one signed by a well-known Certificate Authority, users won't see this warning. For more information, see Server Certificate Management.

  4. You will see a password reset page. In the Username box, enter your email address and click Reset.

    You will see a message saying the instructions for creating a password have been sent to your email address.

  5. Return to your email account to find the FileXpress password request message. Click the link in this message to go to the Change password page.
  6. Enter your username, set your password, and click Submit. This action submits your new password and connects you to the Transfer Client.

    You will see additional warning messages. Java uses security messages to ensure that only software you approve runs on your system. For each message, confirm that you want to continue. For more information about these messages and how to turn off their display, see Connect to the Transfer Client.

  7. After a successful login to the Transfer Client, you can test the transfer site using drag-and-drop to upload a file.
  8. Return to your email account to confirm that you received a FileXpress account update email message.

Related Topics

The Transfer Client User Interface

Managing Users and Groups

Managing Transfer Sites

Email Troubleshooting

Transfer Client Troubleshooting