Member | Description |
AppointmentAction | Creates a new appointment Office document. This action does nothing if the current Office Suite does not support appointment documents. Requires no parameters. |
BackHistoryAction | Navigates to the previous screen in the screen history sequence. Requires no parameters. |
ClearSelectionAction | Clears any selection active in the host sesssion document. Requires no parameters. |
ClipboardSettingsAction | Opens the Clipboard settings. Requires no parameters. |
CloseAction | Closes the current document. Requires no parameters. |
ConnectAction | Connects the current host session document to the host. Requires no parameters. |
ContactAction | Creates a new contact Office document. This action does nothing if the current Office Suite does not support contact documents. Requires no parameters. |
ContextMenuEditorAction | Opens the Context Menu Editor. Requires no parameters. |
CopyAction | Copies the selected text to the Clipboard. Requires no parameters. |
CopyToBuffer1Action | Copies the selected text to the clipbord and saves a copy of it in one of 4 buffers. This requires one parameter:
The index (1-4) of the buffer to use |
CopyToBuffer2Action | Copies the selected text to the clipbord and saves a copy of it in one of 4 buffers. This requires one parameter:
The index (1-4) of the buffer to use |
CopyToBuffer3Action | Copies the selected text to the clipbord and saves a copy of it in one of 4 buffers. This requires one parameter:
The index (1-4) of the buffer to use |
CopyToBuffer4Action | Copies the selected text to the clipbord and saves a copy of it in one of 4 buffers. This requires one parameter:
The index (1-4) of the buffer to use |
CreateSplitScreenAction | Creates a new Split Screen child view |
CutAction | Cuts the selected text and places it on the Clipboard. Requires no parameters. |
DisconnectAction | Disconnects the current host session document from the host. Requires no parameters. |
DocumentPropertiesAction | Displays document settings. Requires no parameters. |
EditCaslMacroAction | Brings up the CASL macro editor |
EmailMessageAction | Creates a new e-mail message Office document. This action does nothing if the current Office Suite does not support e-mail. Requires no parameters. |
EventUIMapperAction | Shows the Event UI mapping dialog |
ExitAction | Quits InfoConnect. Requires no parameters. |
ExtendSelectionBlockDownAction | Extends the selection block down by one row. Requires no parameters. |
ExtendSelectionBlockEndOfLineAction | Extends the selection block left to the end of the line. Requires no parameters. |
ExtendSelectionBlockEndOfScreenAction | Extends the selection block to the end of the current screen. Requires no parameters. |
ExtendSelectionBlockEndOfWordAction | Extends the selection block to the end of the next word. Requires no parameters. |
ExtendSelectionBlockLeftAction | Extends the selection block left by one column. Requires no parameters. |
ExtendSelectionBlockRightAction | Extends the selection block right by one column. Requires no parameters. |
ExtendSelectionBlockStartOfLineAction | Extends the selection block to the start of the line. Requires no parameters. |
ExtendSelectionBlockStartOfScreenAction | Extends the selection block to the start of the current screen. Requires no parameters. |
ExtendSelectionBlockStartOfWordAction | Extends the selection block to the start of the previous word. Requires no parameters. |
ExtendSelectionBlockUpAction | Extends the selection block up by one row. Requires no parameters. |
ExtendSelectionStreamDownAction | Extends the selection stream down by one row. Requires no parameters. |
ExtendSelectionStreamEndOfLineAction | Extends the selection stream to the start of the previous word. Requires no parameters. |
ExtendSelectionStreamEndOfScreenAction | Extends the selection stream to the end of the current screen. Requires no parameters. |
ExtendSelectionStreamEndOfWordAction | Extends the selection stream to the end of the next word. Requires no parameters. |
ExtendSelectionStreamLeftAction | Extends the selection stream left by one column. Requires no parameters. |
ExtendSelectionStreamRightAction | Extends the selection stream right by one column. Requires no parameters. |
ExtendSelectionStreamStartOfLineAction | Extends the selection stream to the start of the line. Requires no parameters. |
ExtendSelectionStreamStartOfScreenAction | Extends the selection stream to the start of the current screen. Requires no parameters. |
ExtendSelectionStreamStartOfWordAction | Extends the selection stream to the start of the previous word. Requires no parameters. |
ExtendSelectionStreamUpAction | Extends the selection stream up by one row. Requires no parameters. |
FileTransferAction | Opens the File Transfer dialog box to transfer files between your PC and the host. Requires no parameters. |
ForwardHistoryAction | Navigates to the next host screen in the screen history sequence. Requires no parameters. |
FtpFileTransferAction | Opens the Reflection FTP client for FTP file transfer. Requires no parameters. |
FullScreenViewAction | Puts the InfoConnect frame in full screen mode. Requires no parameters. |
GlobalSettingsAction | Opens the InfoConnect Desktop global configuration settings. Requires no parameters. |
HelpAction | Opens the Help system in a separate window. Requires no parameters. |
HostConnectionSettingsAction | Opens the host connection settings configuration. Requires no parameters. |
HotspotsSettingsAction | Opens the host session Hotspots settings configuration. Requires no parameters. |
InfoConnectFileTransferSettingsAction | Brings up InfoConnect file transfer settings panel. |
KeyboardMapperAction | Opens the Keyboard Map editor. Requires no parameters. |
LaunchApplicationAction | Starts an external application. This action requires the following three parameters (in order):
The full path to the application executable file, of type string. Optional arguments for the application's command line of type string. Specify an empty if no arguments are necessary. An optional working directory for the application of type string. Specify an empty string if no working directory is desired. |
LaunchPathWizardAction | Brings up the InfoConnect Path Wizard |
LaunchSupportWebsiteAction | Opens the Attachmate support Web site. Requires no parameters. |
LaunchVbaAction | Starts the Visual Basic for Applications Editor. Requires no parameters. |
LayoutCascadeAction | Rearranges all open document windows in the workspace to overlap in a cascade. Requires no parameters. |
LayoutHorizontalAction | Rearranges all open document windows in the workspace to be tiled horizontally. Requires no parameters. |
LayoutVerticalAction | Rearranges all open document windows in the workspace to be tiled vertically. Requires no parameters. |
MacroSecurityAction | Opens the API and Macro Security configuration settings. Requires no parameters. |
ManageRibbonSettingsAction | Opens the user interface settings for configuring the selected ribbon or classic UI mode file, modifying the current file, or creating a new file. Requires no parameters. |
ManualCaptureAction | Performs a screen capture of the current host screen and adds it to the screen history sequence. Requires no parameters. |
MapKeystrokeAction | Opens the Keyboard Map editor. Requires no parameters. |
MouseMapSettingsAction | Opens the mouse map settings. Requires no parameters. |
MoveCursorAction | Moves the cursor in the host session. Requires no parameters. |
NewDocumentAction | Creates a new document in the InfoConnect Desktop frame. Requires no parameters. |
NextDocumentAction | Make the next session document or Web page active on an MDI workspace, whether you are viewing your documents as tabs or windows. Or make the next Workspace active if SDI mode is used. Requires no parameters. |
NoteAction | Creates a new note Office document. This action does nothing if the current Office Suite does not support note documents. Requires no parameters. |
OfficeToolsPaneAction | Displays the Office Tools task pane. Requires no parameters. |
OpenAction | Opens the Open dialog box, used to open sessions, layouts, or URLs. Requires no parameters. |
OpenURLAction | Opens a URL. This action can require up to three parameters:
The URL string value (required) The open location of type OpenUrlActionLocationOption (required). This determines where the URL is opened (for example, an external browser, a new InfoConnect tab, or an existing named InfoConnect tab). The tab name of the type string, if the second parameter is OpenUrlActionLocationOption.NamedTab. |
PageSetupAction | Opens the Page Setup dialog box for printing. Requires no parameters. |
PasteAction | Pastes data from the Clipboard to the current cursor position in the host session document. Requires no parameters. |
PasteFromBuffer1Action | Retrieves saved text from one of 4 buffers and places it in the clipboard, then pastes it to the current cursor position in the host session document. This requires one parameter:
The index (1-4) of the buffer to use |
PasteFromBuffer2Action | Retrieves saved text from one of 4 buffers and places it in the clipboard, then pastes it to the current cursor position in the host session document. This requires one parameter:
The index (1-4) of the buffer to use |
PasteFromBuffer3Action | Retrieves saved text from one of 4 buffers and places it in the clipboard, then pastes it to the current cursor position in the host session document. This requires one parameter:
The index (1-4) of the buffer to use |
PasteFromBuffer4Action | Retrieves saved text from one of 4 buffers and places it in the clipboard, then pastes it to the current cursor position in the host session document. This requires one parameter:
The index (1-4) of the buffer to use |
PreviousDocumentAction | Make the previous session document or Web page active on an MDI workspace, whether you are viewing your documents as tabs or windows. Or make the next Workspace active if SDI mode is used. Requires no parameters. |
PrintAction | Opens the Print dialog box. Requires no parameters. |
PrintAllSplitScreens | Quick prints all Split Screens. |
PrintSetupAction | Opens the Print Setup dialog box. Requires no parameters. |
ProductivityFieldSecurityAction | Toggles productivity field security on/off in the current field. Requires no parameters. |
PTRStatusPaneAction | Docks the PTR status view pane. |
QuickPadSettingsAction | Opens the QuickPad configuration settings. Requires no parameters. |
QuickPrintAction | Prints the current document immediately. Requires no parameters. |
RecentTypingPaneAction | Opens the Recent Typing task pane. Requires no parameters. |
RunCaslMacroAction | Runs a CASL macro. |
RunExternalLegacyReflectionMacroAction | Runs an external legacy Reflection macro. This requires four parameters:
The name of the macro (type string). The name of the session file or external macro file (*.RMA) in which the macro resides (type string). Optional macro data (type string) to be passed to the macro at runtime. If no macro data is needed, this can be specified as an empty string. A boolean value that determines whether the user is prompted for a macro to run at runtime. The first three parameter values are ignored if this value is true. |
RunHostExplorerMacroAction | Runs a HostExplorer macro. This action requires one parameter: The full path to the HostExplorer macro file, of type string. |
RunLegacyExtraMacroAction | Runs a legacy EXTRA! macro. This action requires two parameters:
The full path to the EXTRA! macro file, of type string. This can be empty if the prompt at runtime flag is set to true. A Boolean value that determines whether the user is prompted for a macro to run at runtime. The first parameter value is ignored if this value is true. |
RunLegacyReflectionMacroAction | Runs a legacy Reflection macro, if the required parameters are provided. This action requires three parameters:
The name of the macro (type string) Macro data (type string) to be passed to the macro at runtime. If no macro data is needed, this can be specified as an empty string. A Boolean value that determines whether the user is prompted for a macro to run at runtime. The first two parameter values are ignored if this value is true. |
RunMacroAction | Runs a macro. This action requires three parameters with an optional fourth parameter:
The macro name (type string). Include the VBA project namespace in the name, if necessary. The VBA project location where the macro resides (type MacroEnumerationOption). Specify MacroEnumerationOption.CommonProject if the macro resides in the Common project, or MacroEnumerationOption.Document if it resides in the current document's VBA project. A Boolean value that determines whether the user is prompted for a macro to run at runtime. The first two parameters are ignored if this value is true. Optional macro data (type string) to be passed to the macro at runtime. If no macro data is needed then this should not be added to parameter list. |
RunPcommMacroAction | Runs a IBM Personal Communications macro. This action requires one parameter:
The full path to the PComm macro file, of type string. |
RunQwsMacroAction | Runs a QWS macro. This action requires one parameter: The full path to the QWS macro file, of type string. |
RunRumbaMacroAction | Runs a Micro Focus RUMBA macro. This action requires one parameter: The full path to the RUMBA macro file, of type string. |
RunSupportToolAction | Runs a utility to help Attachmate Technical Support collect InfoConnect application data. Requires no parameters. |
SaveAction | Saves the current document. Requires no parameters. |
SaveAsAction | Saves the current document with a new name or location. Requires no parameters. |
SaveLayoutAction | Saves all currently open documents in a layout. Requires no parameters. |
SaveRSFTAction | Saves the current document configuration as a template. Requires no parameters. |
ScratchPadPaneAction | Opens the Scratch Pad task pane. Requires no parameters. |
ScreenHistoryPaneAction | Opens the Screen History task pane. Requires no parameters. |
SelectAllAction | Selects all of the text in the current document. Requires no parameters. |
SelectNextSplitScreenAction | Selects the next Split Screen view |
SelectNextSplitSessionAction | Selects the next Split Screen session |
SelectPreviousSplitScreenAction | Selects the previous Split Screen view |
SelectPreviousSplitSessionAction | Selects the previous Split Screen session |
SendHostKeyAction | Transmits a host key to the host. This requires one parameter of type ControlKeyCode, which specifies which host key to send. The ControlKeyCode values F1-F24 correspond to PF1-PF24 for IBM Mainframe (System z) sessions, and F1-F24 for IBM AS/400 (System i) sessions. |
SendHostTextAction | Sends a string of text to a host session. This requires one parameter of type string, which is the text to transmit at the current cursor position. |
SettingsAction | Opens the settings configuration for the current document. Requires no parameters. |
ShowAutoCompleteSettingsAction | Opens the Auto Complete settings. Requires no parameters. |
ShowAutoExpandAction | Opens the Auto Expand settings. Requires no parameters. |
ShowContextMenuAction | Opens a context menu in the current document. Requires no parameters. |
ShowHelpAboutAction | Opens the Help/About dialog. Requires no parameters. |
ShowICPathSettingsAction | Shows the InfoConnect Path Settings |
ShowLiveScreenAction | Returns to the current session document's current host screen. Requires no parameters. |
ShowMouseMapperAction | Opens the Mouse Map editor. Requires no parameters. |
ShowPrivacyFilterAction | Opens the Information Privacy configuration settings. Requires no parameters. |
ShowProductivitySettingsAction | Opens the Productivity configuration settings. Requires no parameters. |
ShowRecentTypingSettingsAction | Opens the Recent Typing configuration settings. Requires no parameters. |
ShowScreenHistorySettingAction | Opens the Screen History configuration settings. Requires no parameters. |
ShowSpecificContextMenuAction | Shows a specified context menu. This action requires four parameters:
The name of the context menu to show, of type string. Whether to show the menu at the current mouse cursor position, of type bool. The row in the host screen to show the menu at, of type int. The column in the host screen to show the menu at, of type int. |
ShowSpellCheckAction | Opens the Spell Check configuration settings. Requires no parameters. |
ShowUIDesignerAction | Opens the UI Designer application to customize the ribbon. Requires no parameters. |
SpellCheckFieldAction | Reviews the spelling of text in the current field. Does nothing if the session document is configured to not check spelling as the user types. Requires no parameters. |
SpellCheckScreenAction | Reviews the spelling of text in the entire screen. Does nothing if session document is configured to not check spelling as the user types. Requires no parameters. |
StopCaslMacroAction | Stops a CASL macro. |
StopMacroAction | Stops the currently running macro, if any, in the current document. Requires no parameters. |
TaskAction | Creates a new task Office document. This action does nothing if the current Office Suite does not support task documents. Requires no parameters. |
TerminalAppearanceSettingsAction | Opens the terminal appearance configuration settings. Requires no parameters. |
ThemeSettingsAction | Opens the theme configuration settings. Requires no parameters. |
ThemesSoundSettingsAction | Opens the sound configuration settings for the current document's theme. Requires no parameters. |
ToggleMacroRecordAction | Starts or stops the Macro Recorder. Requires no parameters. |
TogglePauseMacroAction | Pauses or resumes recording a macro. Does nothing if a recording is not in progress. Requires no parameters. |
ToggleRibbonStateAction | Shows or hides the workspace ribbon. This action does nothing if the workspace is running in Classic Mode. Requires no parameters. |
ToggleTerminalKeyboardAction | Show or hide the on-screen terminal keyboard for the active session. |
VbaMacroDialogAction | Opens the Visual Basic for Applications Macro dialog box. Requires no parameters. |
WordDocumentAction | Creates a new word-processing document. This action does nothing if the current Office Suite does not support word processing documents. Requires no parameters. |