Attachmate.Reflection.Emulation.PTR Namespace
In This Topic
| Interface | Description |
 | IPTRRoute | Provides information for a specific PTR Route. |
 | IPTRRoutes | Provides a list of defined PTR routes. |
 | IPTRSystem | Provides PTR configuration information. |
| Enumeration | Description |
 | RouteHostStatus | Values for the host status, which is the status of the InfoConnect host path. |
 | RouteLockState | Values for the lock state of the printer queue path. Each printer queue path may be locked by only one route at any instance. |
 | RouteQueueStatus | Values for the status of the printer queue path. |
 | RouteStatus | Values for the route status, which is the overall status of the route. It accounts for the current InfoConnect host path status and the printer queue path status. |
See Also