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Attachmate.Reflection.Emulation.IbmHosts Namespace / IIbmScreen Interface / PasteRange Method
The starting row coordinate for the first screen.
The starting column coordinate for the first screen.
The ending row coordinate for the first screen.
The ending column coordinate for the first screen.
The starting row coordinate for the remaining screens.
The starting column coordinate for the remaining screens.
The ending row coordinate for the remaining screens.
The ending column coordinate for the remaining screens.
The ControlKeyCode value that specifies the terminal key to use to scroll to the second and remaining screens in the paste range.
Determines what happens when a line of text being copied exceeds the current line length. If this value is true, the remaining text in the line is pasted at the start of the next field. If it is false, the current line is truncated and the next line is pasted at the start of the next field.
Controls how text is pasted when the screen contains protected locations. If false, pasting stops if the first field on a row is protected. If true, the method continues to search for subsequent fields, searching first right and then down, until it finds another unprotected field. If an unprotected field is located, pasting starts in this field; if not, pasting stops. When pasting is stopped, any remaining text is put into the PasteNext buffer.

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    PasteRange Method
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    Pastes the contents of the Clipboard to a defined region of the current screen and, if needed, regions of subsequent screens in the host application.

    Sub PasteRange( _
       ByVal top As Integer, _
       ByVal left As Integer, _
       ByVal bottom As Integer, _
       ByVal right As Integer, _
       ByVal remTop As Integer, _
       ByVal remLeft As Integer, _
       ByVal remBottom As Integer, _
       ByVal remRight As Integer, _
       ByVal keycode As ControlKeyCode, _
       ByVal wrapText As Boolean, _
       ByVal useFieldDelim As Boolean _
    Dim instance As IIbmScreen
    Dim top As Integer
    Dim left As Integer
    Dim bottom As Integer
    Dim right As Integer
    Dim remTop As Integer
    Dim remLeft As Integer
    Dim remBottom As Integer
    Dim remRight As Integer
    Dim keycode As ControlKeyCode
    Dim wrapText As Boolean
    Dim useFieldDelim As Boolean
    instance.PasteRange(top, left, bottom, right, remTop, remLeft, remBottom, remRight, keycode, wrapText, useFieldDelim)


    The starting row coordinate for the first screen.
    The starting column coordinate for the first screen.
    The ending row coordinate for the first screen.
    The ending column coordinate for the first screen.
    The starting row coordinate for the remaining screens.
    The starting column coordinate for the remaining screens.
    The ending row coordinate for the remaining screens.
    The ending column coordinate for the remaining screens.
    The ControlKeyCode value that specifies the terminal key to use to scroll to the second and remaining screens in the paste range.
    Determines what happens when a line of text being copied exceeds the current line length. If this value is true, the remaining text in the line is pasted at the start of the next field. If it is false, the current line is truncated and the next line is pasted at the start of the next field.
    Controls how text is pasted when the screen contains protected locations. If false, pasting stops if the first field on a row is protected. If true, the method continues to search for subsequent fields, searching first right and then down, until it finds another unprotected field. If an unprotected field is located, pasting starts in this field; if not, pasting stops. When pasting is stopped, any remaining text is put into the PasteNext buffer.

    A paste range defines a screen region in which you can paste text across multiple screens after you cut, copy, or append a selection on the Clipboard.

    Users can define and use paste ranges with the Paste Range dialog box but the screen positions and other settings are not saved when they close their sessions. Creating a macro with the PasteRange method allows you to define and save a custom paste range that is tailored for an application.

    Before you create a paste range macro, consider defining and testing a range with the Paste range dialog box first. Then use the settings in the dialog box for your macro. After you create a Paste Range macro, users can run it to paste into the custom screen region without needing to configure the paste range every time they open their session.

    More about the parameters...

    The parameters define the region in the host screen(s) to be used for the paste operation, the terminal key used to scroll to subsequent screens, and how word wrap and field delimiters are handled.

    Values for the screen position arguments that define text regions can be positive, zero, or negative. Positive row values are counted down from the top of the screen, zero is the last row on the screen, and negative values are counted up from the last row. Positive column arguments are counted from the left edge of the screen, zero is the last column on the screen, and negative values are counted back from the last column. For example, to start pasting on the first screen at the upper-left corner of the screen, set top = 1 and left = 1. To end pasting at the lower-right corner of the screen, set bottom = 0 and right = 0.

    See Also