InfoConnect for Airlines VBA Guide
Hotspot Object Members

The following tables list the members exposed by Hotspot.

Public ConstructorHotspot ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the Hotspot class.  
Public PropertyActionSequenceGets or sets the action sequence to invoke when this hotspot is invoked.  
Public PropertyAutoInvokeGets or sets a value indicating whether to cause the hotspot to be invoked as soon as it appears on the screen.  
Public PropertyColumnGets or sets whether the hotspot will appear only if the text is in the specified column.  
Public PropertyFollowedByDelimiterGets or sets a value indicating whether the hotspot must be followed by a delimiter, usually a space.  
Public PropertyMatchCaseGets or sets a value indicating whether to make the hotspot case sensitive.  
Public PropertyPrecededByDelimiterGets or sets a value indicating whether the hotspot must be preceded by a delimiter, usually a space.  
Public PropertyRowGets or sets whether the hotspot will appear only if the text is in the specified row.  
Public PropertyTextGets or sets a value indicating the hotspot text. The text can be up to 80 characters.  
See Also