InfoConnect for Airlines
IOfficeTools Interface Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see IOfficeTools members.

Public Properties
 PropertyAppointmentEnabledGets a value that indicates whether the installed Office Tools assembly supports new appointments.  
 PropertyCloseOfficeDocsOnAppExitDetermines if documents created by Office Tools and Office Suite applications close when InfoConnect closes (true), or if they stay open (false).  
 PropertyContactEnabledGets a value that indicates whether the installed Office Tools assembly supports viewing the contact list and creating new contacts.  
 PropertyCopyAsImageGets or sets whether to copy the host screen data as an image (true) or as text (false) if images are supported by the Office Suite.  
 PropertyEmailEnabledGets a value that indicates whether the installed Office Tools assembly supports viewing the e-mail application and creating new e-mail messages.  
 PropertyIncludeScreenDataGets or sets whether to insert host screen data in new Office items.  
 PropertyNoteEnabledGets a value that indicates whether the installed Office Tools assembly supports new notes.  
 PropertyOfficeToolsPaneVisibleGets or sets the visible state of the dockable Office Tools panel.  
 PropertyParentGets the parent object (IProductivity).  
 PropertySlideshowEnabledGets a value that indicates whether the installed Office Tools assembly supports new slideshow presentations.  
 PropertySlideshowTemplateGets or sets the presentation template for creating new slideshows.  
 PropertyTaskEnabledGets a value that indicates whether the installed Office Tools assembly supports new tasks.  
 PropertyWordProcessingBookmarkGets or sets the name of the bookmark at which to insert text when creating a word-processing document.  
 PropertyWordProcessingEnabledGets a value that indicates whether the installed Office Tools assembly supports new word-processing documents.  
 PropertyWordProcessingTemplateGets or sets the path of the template to use when creating a word-processing document.  
See Also