InfoConnect for Airlines
IConnectionSettingsModem Interface Members

The following tables list the members exposed by IConnectionSettingsModem.

Public Properties
 PropertyBaudBaud rate setting.  
 PropertyCharDelayGets or sets the time delay (in milliseconds) between characters.  
 PropertyCheckParityGets or sets the parity check state.  
 PropertyCTSrequiredWhen set to true, InfoConnect does not transmit unless the RS-232 Clear To Send (CTS) signal is active.  
 PropertyDropDTROnDisconnectWhen set to true, the Data Terminal Ready (DTR) signal is dropped when the connection is closed.  
 PropertyDSRrequiredWhen set to true, InfoConnect does not transmit data unless the RS-232 Data Set Ready (DSR) signal is active.  
 PropertyLineDelayTime delay (in tenths of a second) between lines.  
 PropertyModemAreaCodeA string that specifies the area code (or city code) of the number being dialed.  
 PropertyModemCountryNameA string that specifies the country of the number being dialed.  
 PropertyModemInitStringThe modem command string that initializes the modem.  
 PropertyModemLocationA string that indentifies the current modem location. Modem locations are configured using Control Panel modems.  
 PropertyModemModeIdentifies the operating mode for the modem.  
 PropertyModemNameThe text string that identifies the type of modem being used.  
 PropertyModemPhoneNumberThe phone number to dial.  
 PropertyModemShowDisconnectErrorsDetermines whether the "Remote Party Disconnected" error message appears when the modem connection is dropped.  
 PropertyModemUseDialingRulesWhen set to true, the TAPI modem dialer adds the appropriate prefix to the number you are dialing, based on the current values of ModemAreaCode, ModemCountryName, and ModemLocation.  
 PropertyReceivePacingType of flow control to use for receiving data from the host.  
 PropertyStopBitsThe number of stop bits that follow each character during data transmission.  
 PropertyTransmitPacingType of flow control to use for transmitting data to the host.  
 PropertyXoffRepeatThe number of characters that InfoConnect accepts after receiving an XOFF and before sending another XOFF.  
 PropertyXoffTimeoutThe length of time (in seconds) to wait after sending data before InfoConnect sends an XOFF character.  
See Also