| Name | Description |
 | AutoFormFeed | Returns or specifies whether the terminal inserts a form feed between screens when the terminal is configured to print multiple screens per page. |
 | Parent | Gets the parent object. The parent is the IIbmScreen object. |
 | PrintBackground | Specifies the background color to use when printing the terminal screen. |
 | PrintCharsPerInch | Specifies how many characters to print per inch. |
 | PrintCharsPerLine | Specifies the maximum number of characters that can be printed on a single line. |
 | PrintCompressFont | Returns or specifies whether composed Thai characters are vertically compressed while printing to make them more legible. |
 | PrintDbcs2To3 | Returns or specifies whether to widen double-byte characters to 1.5 times their default size when printing host print jobs and terminal screens to make them more legible. |
 | PrintDbcsHorzFontSize | Returns or specifies whether the terminal doubles the horizontal size of double-byte characters when it prints host screens or print jobs to make them more legible. |
 | PrintDbcsRotationAngle | Returns or specifies whether to rotate characters 270 degrees when printing host print jobs or terminal screens. |
 | PrintDbcsSmallerFont | Returns or specifies whether to print double-byte characters using a smaller font size. |
 | PrintDest | Returns or specifies a driver or port to print to. |
 | PrinterOrientation | Returns or specifies the default page orientation used to print host documents. |
 | PrintFileExistsAction | Returns or specifies what the terminal does when you send a print job to an existing file. |
 | PrintFileName | Returns or specifies the name of the file to receive print jobs when the PrintToFile property is set to true. |
 | PrintFitUser | Returns or specifies whether to print host print jobs or terminal screens to a user-defined form size. |
 | PrintFitUserLength | Returns or specifies the length of the form to print to when the PrintFitUser property is true. |
 | PrintFitUserWidth | Returns or specifies the width of the form to print to when the PrintFitUser property is true. |
 | PrintFormFeedOnEndOfJob | Returns or specifies whether the terminal sends a form feed to the host printer at the end of print jobs. |
 | PrintMarginBottom | Returns or specifies the size of the margin at the bottom of a printed page. |
 | PrintMarginLeft | Returns or specifies the size of the margin at the left side of a printed page. |
 | PrintMarginRight | Returns or specifies the size of the margin at the right side of a printed page. |
 | PrintMarginTop | Returns or specifies the size of the margin at the top of a printed page. |
 | PrintMonochrome | Returns or specifies whether the terminal prints the terminal window using only black and white. |
 | PrintPaperSize | Returns or specifies the paper size to use for the current default Windows printer. |
 | PrintPaperSource | Returns or specifies the paper source to use for the current default Windows printer. |
 | PrintSosiPresentation | Returns or specifies how the terminal treats shift-out and shift-in (SO/SI) characters when printing host print jobs or terminal screens. This property is applicable to 5250 sessions only. |
 | PrintSquareAspectRatio | Returns or specifies whether the terminal preserves the dimensions of the graphics display when it prints, ensuring that objects maintain their correct proportions and shapes. |
 | PrintStatusLine | Returns or specifies whether the terminal prints the host status line when printing from the terminal window. |
 | PrintSuppressBlankPage | Returns or specifies whether blank pages are suppressed. |
 | PrintToFile | Returns or specifies the destination of the terminal print jobs. |