InfoConnect for Airlines
XfrStartTimeout Property

Returns or specifies how many seconds InfoConnect should wait for a host response when attempting to connect to a host.
Property XfrStartTimeout As Integer
Dim instance As IFileTransfer
Dim value As Integer
instance.XfrStartTimeout = value
value = instance.XfrStartTimeout
int XfrStartTimeout {get; set;}
Attachmate.Reflection.SecuredSettingException This exception is thrown when you modify a InfoConnect property that has been secured via the Permissions Manager, or if such a modification requires Administrator privileges.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException Thrown if the set parameter is outside the range of valid values.
If the specified amount of time elapses with no response from the host, InfoConnect times out and returns an error. This property affects IND$FILE transfer and is applicable to 3270 sessions only. The default is 25. The range of values is 1-9999.
See Also