InfoConnect for Unisys
PasteTabReplacement Property

Gets or sets the string that replaces tabs if the PasteReplaceTabs setting is set to true.
Property PasteTabReplacement As String
Dim instance As IIbmScreen
Dim value As String
instance.PasteTabReplacement = value
value = instance.PasteTabReplacement
string PasteTabReplacement {get; set;}

Property Value

The default value is "".
System.ArgumentException This exception is thrown if the set parameter length exceeds the maximum allowed length.
Attachmate.Reflection.SecuredSettingException This exception is thrown when you try to modify a property that has been secured with the Permissions Manager or that can only be modified by an Administrator.
Any random set of characters is acceptable, including character spaces. The PasteReplaceTabs property must be set to true. The string can be up to 260 characters long.
See Also