InfoConnect for Unisys
Attachmate.Reflection.Emulation.Common Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassAfterSendKeysEventArgs AfterSendKeys event argument class.
ClassAPIException Exception object thrown by IbmHosts objects to indicate a error condition.
ClassBeforeSendControlKeyEventArgs Contains the Key and Cancel properties that allow the event handler to cancel the action or modify the key value before the control key is sent to the host.
ClassBeforeSendKeysEventArgs Contains the Cancel and Key properties that allow the event handler to cancel the action or modify the key value before the key is sent to the host.
ClassContextMenuItem Represents an individual item within a context menu.
ClassCreditCardRecognizedEventArgs CreditCardRecognized event arguments.
ClassCursorInNewFieldEventArgs CursorInNewField event argument.
ClassHostField Represents (on a host screen) a field with field attributes, start position, and field length.
ClassHotspot Defines an individual hotspot instance
ClassInputMapAction An action that can be mapped to something in an input map.
ClassInputMapActionSequence Contains a set of actions that are mapped to an input mapping.
ClassKeyboardMapper Provides the ability to view keyboard mappings for the terminal session, and to remap keys programmatically.
ClassKeyboardMapping Maps a key to a sequence of one or more input actions.
ClassMacro Methods, properties, and events associated with running or recording macros.
ClassMouseButtonCombination Represents the state of a particular mouse button mapping.
ClassMouseMapper Methods and properties associated with the session document's mouse map.
ClassMouseMapping Maps a mouse button/modifier key combination to a sequence of one or more input actions.
ClassScreenCharacter ScreenCharacter represents one character on the host screen.
ClassScreenPoint ScreenPoint represents a coordinate of a row and a column on the host screen.
ClassScreenRegion Defines an area on the host screen for selecting text.
ClassTheme Theme object represents a visual theme in the application.
InterfaceIContextMenu Provides methods and properties for interacting with a terminal session's context menu
InterfaceIContextMenus Defines properties and operations on the collection of context menus currently defined in the session document
InterfaceIHotSpots Defines methods to configure hotspots and properties to get and set hotspot visibility, position, and other attributes.
InterfaceIKeyboardMapper Methods and properties associated with the session document's keyboard map.
InterfaceIMacro Methods, properties, and events associated with running or recording macros.
InterfaceIMouseMapper Methods and properties associated with the session document's mouse map.
InterfaceIScreenRegion Defines an area on the host screen for selecting text.
InterfaceITheme Defines properties and methods to load, modify, or save a InfoConnect theme.
InterfaceIThemeColor Provides an interface to get and set terminal colors within a InfoConnect theme.
InterfaceIThemeCursor Defines the attributes (such as shape and color) of the cursor displayed within a InfoConnect theme.
InterfaceIThemeFont Defines the font attributes (such as font name, font size) for terminal fonts within a InfoConnect theme.
InterfaceIThemeSounds Defines the sounds played when events (such as Connected and Disconnected) occur during InfoConnect sessions.
DelegateAfterSendKeysEventHandler Handles the BeforeSendKey event to permit users to modify a key value or cancel a send key action before it is sent.
DelegateBeforeSendControlKeyEventHandler Handles the BeforeSendControlKey event to permit users to modify a control key value or cancel a send control key action before it is sent.

To cancel the action, set the Cancel property of the BeforeSendControlKeyEventArgs object passed to the event handler to true.

DelegateBeforeSendKeysEventHandler Handles the BeforeSendKeys event that permits users to modify a key value and cancel a send key action before it is sent.
DelegateCreditCardRecognizedEventHandler CreditCardRecognized event handler.
DelegateCursorInNewFieldEventHandler CursorInNewField event handler delegate.
EnumerationContextMenuItemType Specifies a type of context menu item
EnumerationControlKeyCode Defines the valid values for UTS control keys.
EnumerationCursorBlinkRateOption Defines values that specify the speed at which the cursor blinks in the terminal window.
EnumerationCursorShapeOption Defines values that determine the cursor's appearance in the terminal window.
EnumerationFieldAttributes Defines values that determine a field's attributes.
EnumerationFieldType Defines valid field type values.
EnumerationFindOption Determines the direction in which to search for text on the screen.
EnumerationGetTextArea Defines options that specify how to handle the screen data between Start Row/Col and End Row/Col.
EnumerationGetTextAttr Describes the field types to return.
EnumerationGetTextFlags Specifies formatting options.
EnumerationGetTextWrap Specifies screen wrapping characteristics.
EnumerationHostGraphicsTypeOption host graphics types
EnumerationHotspotsMouseButtonOption Specifies options for mouse button to use when invoking hotspots
EnumerationHotspotStyleOption Specifies options for how hotspots appear on the screen.
EnumerationInputMapActionID Actions that can be mapped to keyboard maps or mouse maps.
EnumerationMacroDestinationOption Indicates the location to which a macro is saved.
EnumerationMacroEnumerationOption Indicates the source location of a macro.
EnumerationMouseClickCount Number of single or double mouse clicks used for a Mouse Map mapping.
EnumerationOpenUrlActionLocationOption Valid values for the second parameter to the openURLAction action.
EnumerationScreenColor Defines host screen colors specified by the host.
EnumerationSelectionMode Specifies the type of a selected region (Stream or Block).
EnumerationTerminalAttributeOption Identifies a host terminal attribute.
EnumerationTextComparisonOption Defines options that indicate how text is compared against the text on the host screen.
See Also