Attachmate.Reflection.Emulation.Common Namespace
| Class | Description |
 | AfterSendKeysEventArgs | AfterSendKeys event argument class. |
 | APIException | Exception object thrown by IbmHosts objects to indicate a error condition. |
 | BeforeSendControlKeyEventArgs | Contains the Key and Cancel properties that allow the event handler to cancel the action or modify the key value before the control key is sent to the host. |
 | BeforeSendKeysEventArgs | Contains the Cancel and Key properties that allow the event handler to cancel the action or modify the key value before the key is sent to the host. |
 | ContextMenuItem | Represents an individual item within a context menu. |
 | CreditCardRecognizedEventArgs | CreditCardRecognized event arguments. |
 | CursorInNewFieldEventArgs | CursorInNewField event argument. |
 | HostField | Represents (on a host screen) a field with field attributes, start position, and field length. |
 | Hotspot | Defines an individual hotspot instance |
 | InputMapAction | An action that can be mapped to something in an input map. |
 | InputMapActionSequence | Contains a set of actions that are mapped to an input mapping. |
 | KeyboardMapper | Provides the ability to view keyboard mappings for the terminal session, and to remap keys programmatically. |
 | KeyboardMapping | Maps a key to a sequence of one or more input actions. |
 | Macro | Methods, properties, and events associated with running or recording macros. |
 | MouseButtonCombination | Represents the state of a particular mouse button mapping. |
 | MouseMapper | Methods and properties associated with the session document's mouse map. |
 | MouseMapping | Maps a mouse button/modifier key combination to a sequence of one or more input actions. |
 | ScreenCharacter | ScreenCharacter represents one character on the host screen. |
 | ScreenPoint | ScreenPoint represents a coordinate of a row and a column on the host screen. |
 | ScreenRegion | Defines an area on the host screen for selecting text. |
 | Theme | Theme object represents a visual theme in the application. |
| Interface | Description |
 | IContextMenu | Provides methods and properties for interacting with a terminal session's context menu |
 | IContextMenus | Defines properties and operations on the collection of context menus currently defined in the session document |
 | IHotSpots | Defines methods to configure hotspots and properties to get and set hotspot visibility, position, and other attributes. |
 | IKeyboardMapper | Methods and properties associated with the session document's keyboard map. |
 | IMacro | Methods, properties, and events associated with running or recording macros. |
 | IMouseMapper | Methods and properties associated with the session document's mouse map. |
 | IScreenRegion | Defines an area on the host screen for selecting text. |
 | ITheme | Defines properties and methods to load, modify, or save a InfoConnect theme. |
 | IThemeColor | Provides an interface to get and set terminal colors within a InfoConnect theme. |
 | IThemeCursor | Defines the attributes (such as shape and color) of the cursor displayed within a InfoConnect theme. |
 | IThemeFont | Defines the font attributes (such as font name, font size) for terminal fonts within a InfoConnect theme. |
 | IThemeSounds | Defines the sounds played when events (such as Connected and Disconnected) occur during InfoConnect sessions. |
See Also