Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.OpenSystems Library : TextColorMappingAttribute Enumeration |
Member | Description |
Blink | Blink character attribute. |
BlinkBold | Blinking bold. |
BlinkBoldInverseUnderline | Blinking bold inverse underlined. |
BlinkBoldUnderline | Blinking bold underline. |
BlinkInverse | Blinking inverse. |
BlinkInverseUnderline | Blinking inverse underlined. |
Bold | Display text in bold attribute. Applies to Unix, Open Systems, and ReGIS Graphics terminal types only. |
BoldUnderline | Bold underline. |
Cursor | Cursor color. Effective only when the Color Cursor display enhancement flag is set to true. |
Hotspot | Hotspots color. |
Inverse | Display as reverse video attribute. |
InverseBold | Inverse bold. |
InverseBoldBlink | Inverse bold blinking. |
InverseBoldUnderline | Inverse bold underlined. |
InverseUnderline | Inverse underline. |
Plain | No attributes set. |
Underline | Display underlined attribute. |
UnderlineBlink | Underlined blinking. |