FileXpress Gateway Transfer Client Help
What do you want to do?
Connect to the Transfer Client
Use your mouse to transfer files
Transfer or modify files on your computer
Transfer or modify files on the server
Check to see if you are connected to the server
Change your password
Using the FileXpress Transfer Client
The sample Transfer Client connection shown below points out key features of the FileXpress Transfer Client user interface:

The image below shows a connection made by a user with access to two transfer sites:

You can use any of the following methods to connect to the Transfer Client:
Transfer files by dragging them with your mouse
To transfer files using your mouse, select the file or files you want to transfer and use your mouse to drag them to the desired location.
- You can transfer individual files or multiple files or folders. To select multiple individual items, press and hold Ctrl (Windows) or
(Mac). You can also press and hold Shift to select a range of items. - If you select a folder, the entire contents of the folder will be transferred.
- Your transfer options are controlled by the transfer site administrator. For example, you may be able to download files, but not upload them.
- The file list is updated after a transfer. You can refresh the view at other times by pressing F5.
Local file options
- To display the following options, right-click items in the local (left) pane.
Send File
Sends the selected file or files to the location currently displayed under Server files.
If Send File and Send File As are grayed out, check to see if you are connected and that you have one or more files selected.
Send File As
Prompts you for a new file name, then sends the file to the server.
Refresh List
Updates the local file list to reflect changes.
New Directory
Creates a new subfolder in the current folder.
Rename File
Renames the selected files or folders.
Delete File
Deletes the selected file or files.
Note: If you select a folder and then click Delete File, the entire folder and all files and subfolders within that subfolder will be deleted after you confirm the action.
Edit File
Opens the selected file using the associated editor so that you can edit the file contents.
Double-clicking a file is equivalent.
Server file options
Check your connection
To check to see if you are connected to the server, look at the status message at the bottom-left corner of the Transfer Client.
Change your password
Look for a menu option called Edit Profile. If it is available, click it, then enter your current password and your new password.
If you log in using your Windows domain credentials, the Edit Profile option is not available. You cannot change your Windows password from the Transfer Client.
Transfer Client Troubleshooting
I forgot my password.
I don't see the login page.
- Go to to confirm that Java is installed on your system.
- If you see a message that says "Activate Java Platform" or "Java needs your permission to run", Java is installed but needs your permission to run on this site. Select "Allow and Remember" or "Always run on this site" to be able to log in without seeing this message.
- If the browser displays an error saying that the page can't be delayed, the FileXpress Transfer Server service may not be running. Contact your system administrator.
I see Java warning messages after I enter my username and password.
- Browser permission to run Java
Depending on your browser and whether you have used other Java applets, after you enter your user name and password you might see a request to allow Java to run. Look for an option such as "Enable," "Allow and Remember," or "Always run on this site" to allow Java to run without confirmation in the future.
- Java confirmation messages
Java uses security messages to ensure that only software you approve runs on your system. These messages identify the publisher of the application and include a "Do not show this again" option. To connect to the Transfer Client without seeing these messages in the future, you can select this option after confirming that Attachmate is the publisher.
I see an error message that says "User authentication failed. Exit Code 14."
- This message sometimes appears when a connection times out. If your login was delayed, try clicking Logout and and log in again.
- If repeating the login doesn't help, contact your FileXpress system administrator. This message often indicates a problem with the FileXpress Secure Shell proxy configuration.
I can log in, but I see "Connection failed" next to my user name at the top of the Transfer Client.
- Go to to confirm that you have a current version of Java installed on your system.
- If you have a current version of Java, contact your FileXpress system administrator. This error may indicate that the FileXpress Secure Shell Proxy is not running.
I can't upload or download files.
- If you have difficulty using the drag-and-drop functionality, you can right-click to display the context menu. Right-click a local file and select "Send File" to send the file to the open Server files folder. Right-click a server file and select "Receive File" to download it to the open local folder.
- If you see an error message when you try to upload or download, the transfer site administrator has limited your permissions. If you need additional permissions, contact the transfer site administrator.
I see an error message that says "HTTP ERROR 403 Problem accessing /webxfer/ui/. Reason: Forbidden"
This message may appear if you launch an additional FileXpress Transfer Client in a browser session that already has run the Transfer Client. To resolve the issue, close all instances of your browser, then connect to the Transfer Client.
I am a FileXpress administrator and need additional troubleshooting information.