ConfigServer Command Line Utility

Use the ConfigServer command line utility to manage membership in a FileXpress Gateway Administrator cluster. It provides these services:

  • Add servers to a FileXpress Gateway Administrator cluster
  • Remove servers from a cluster
  • List which servers are members of a cluster

The configserver.bat file is installed with FileXpress Gateway Administrator in the bin folder. The default location is:

C:\Program Files\FileXpress\Gateway\GatewayAdministrator\bin\configserver.bat


To view the usage help for this utility, run configserver.bat with no arguments, as shown here:

C:\Program Files\Attachmate\FileXpress\Gateway\GatewayAdministrator\bin>configserver.bat

Sample ConfigServer Commands

These examples show sample syntax and output of successful operations.

> configserver.bat -clusterserver nodoubt-2012r2 -clusteruser admin -clusterpassword secret

-instanceserver nodoubt -instanceuser admin -instancepassword secret -command addserver

Server nodoubt has been added to the cluster nodoubt-2012r2

> configserver.bat -clusterserver nodoubt-2012r2 -clusteruser admin -clusterpassword secret -command listservers




> configserver.bat -clusterserver nodoubt-2012r2 -clusteruser admin -clusterpassword secret

-instanceserver nodoubt -instanceuser admin -instancepassword secret -command removeserver

Server nodoubt has been removed from the cluster nodoubt-2012r2