Create a PTA to copy uploaded files to a new location
Use the following procedures to create a new PTA, add it to the Test Files transfer site, and test a transfer that triggers this action.
To define the PTA
- Log on to Gateway Administrator using the admin account.
- On the Actions tab, click New.
- Set the following values. This example uses the DOS cmd command to copy uploaded files to a folder called c:\fxgout. The PTA token $FULL_PATH$ resolves to the full path and filename of the uploaded file. The /c argument specifies that the cmd command should exit the command after the action is carried out.
Action Name
Copy File
/c copy "$FULL_PATH$" c:\fxgout
- Click Save.
To add the PTA to your transfer site
- In Gateway Administrator, go to the Transfer Sites page.
- Select the Test Files site and click Edit.
- Click the Add actions drop-down list and select the Copy File action you just created.
- Click Save.
To test your PTA
- Create a c:\fxgout folder on the computer running FileXpress Gateway. This is the destination folder for the file copy and it must exist for the PTA to run.
- Log on to the Transfer Client using the Joe account.
- Upload a file to the Test Files site.
- Check the file system for the uploaded file and the copy:
To find
Look here
uploaded file
C:\ProgramData\Attachmate\RSecureServer\FileXpress\Test Files
copied file