Create a PTA to copy uploaded files to a new location

Use the following procedures to create a new PTA, add it to the Test Files transfer site, and test a transfer that triggers this action.

To define the PTA

  1. Log on to Gateway Administrator using the admin account.
  2. On the Actions tab, click New.
  3. Set the following values. This example uses the DOS cmd command to copy uploaded files to a folder called c:\fxgout. The PTA token $FULL_PATH$ resolves to the full path and filename of the uploaded file. The /c argument specifies that the cmd command should exit the command after the action is carried out.

    Action Name

    Copy File




    /c copy "$FULL_PATH$" c:\fxgout

  4. Click Save.

To add the PTA to your transfer site

  1. In Gateway Administrator, go to the Transfer Sites page.
  2. Select the Test Files site and click Edit.
  3. Click the Add actions drop-down list and select the Copy File action you just created.
  4. Click Save.

To test your PTA

  1. Create a c:\fxgout folder on the computer running FileXpress Gateway. This is the destination folder for the file copy and it must exist for the PTA to run.
  2. Log on to the Transfer Client using the Joe account.
  3. Upload a file to the Test Files site.
  4. Check the file system for the uploaded file and the copy:

    To find

    Look here

    uploaded file

    C:\ProgramData\Attachmate\RSecureServer\FileXpress\Test Files

    copied file



  • Output from PTA programs is sent to the Gateway Administrator console log. This log also contains additional information that is useful for troubleshooting PTAs. You can find the log files in the following location.

    C:\Program Files\Attachmate\FileXpress\Gateway\GatewayAdministrator\logs

    The console log files are named using the current date in the format: consoleyyyymmdd.log.