FileXpress Transfer Server Properties FileYou can use the FileXpress Transfer Server properties file to modify the configurable settings listed below. It is located in the FileXpress Gateway installation folder in the TransferServer\conf subfolder. The default location is: C:\Program Files\Attachmate\FileXpress\Gateway\TransferServer\conf Notes:
servletengine.ssl.portThe HTTPS port used to connect to the Transfer Client. The default is 9492. servletengine.ssl.updateIntervalThe interval in seconds for how often the Transfer Server checks for changes to authentication settings made in Gateway Administrator and queries Gateway Administrator for PKI Services Manager trust anchors. The default is 60. servletengine.ssl.keystoreThe path to the keystore that contains the server certificate and private key. For more information about changing the server certificate, see Replace the Default Server Certificate. The path must be specified using forward slashes or escaped backslashes. For example: C:/pathto/keystore C:\\pathto\\keystore You can specify a relative or absolute path. The default is ../etc/mycert.jks. servletengine.ssl.keystoretypeThe file type of the keystore that contains the server certificate and private key. Supported values are JCEKS for a Java keystore, and PKCS12 for a PKCS#12 file. The default is JCEKS. servletengine.ssl.keystorepasswordThe password that protects the keystore that contains the server certificate and private key. sftp.hostnameThe hostname used by the Transfer Server to connect to the FileXpress Secure Shell Proxy Server. By default, the connection is made using the FileXpress Secure Shell Proxy Server's computer name. sftp.portThe port used by the Transfer Server to connect to the FileXpress Secure Shell Proxy Server. The default is 22. | ||