After determining the current timeout value, this example prompts the user to set a new timeout.
Sub Main
Dim Sys As Object
Set Sys = CreateObject("EXTRA.System")
' These lines set up the strings to be used in the
' InputBox dialog
InputPrompt$ = "The current timeout value is " _
+ CStr(Sys.TimeoutValue)
InputPrompt$ = InputPrompt$ + " Enter a value to change it."
Title$ = "Set Timeout Value"
Default$ = Str$(Sys.TimeoutValue)
NewTimeout$ = InputBox$(InputPrompt$, Title$, Default$)
if NewTimeout$ <> "" then
' The TimeoutValue property is used to set the timeout value.
Sys.TimeoutValue = Val(NewTimeout$)
MsgBox "The new value is " + CStr(Sys.TimeoutValue) + "."
end if
End Sub