This example checks the field attribute value for a particular screen position, and reports various characteristics found. Use with 3270 mainframe sessions only.
Sub Main
Dim Sess as Object, Sys as Object
Set Sys = CreateObject("Extra.System")
'assumes an open 3270 session...
Set Sess = Sys.ActiveSession
'check attribute value for an arbitrary location
attr% = Sess.Screen.FieldAttribute(21, 17)
If attr% = 0 Then
Msgbox "Screen is not field-formatted, or invalid row/column."
Exit Sub
End If
'This works for 3270 field attribute values...
'5250 field attributes are formatted differently (see help).
Dim Modified$, Numeric$, Protected$, Display$
If attr% And 1 Then
Modified$ = "modified"
Modified$ = "unmodified"
End If
If attr% And 16 Then
Numeric$ = "numeric"
Numeric$ = "alpha-numeric"
End If
If attr% And 32 Then
Protected$ = "protected"
Protected$ = "unprotected"
End If
If (attr% And 4) Then
If (attr% And 8) Then
Display$ = "password field"
Display$ = "not a password field"
End If
Display$ = "not a password field"
End If
Msgbox "Field for requested position is" & _
chr(13) & Modified$ & _
chr(13) & Numeric$ & _
chr(13) & Protected$ & _
chr(13) & Display$
End Sub