Hide or Disable Productivity Tools

Extra! includes several productivity tools. These tools appear in a separate pane in the session window called the Productivity Bar and are enabled by default. Both users and administrators can hide the Productivity Bar on a per-session basis (View > Productivity) or disable individual tools for the session file (Edit > Settings > Productivity). However, only administrators can control whether they are available for use in the application.

Use this topic to disable productivity tools in new or existing sessions by editing a session template or upgrading Extra!, respectively. To disable productivity tools in all sessions, use Group Policy. See Disable Client Features with Group Policy. Group Policy takes precedence over every other method.

To disable productivity defaults via a template

Editing the template changes the default settings only in new sessions. Default settings in existing sessions are not affected. To change the default settings in existing sessions, see the next procedure.

  1. Open the template file for your host connection in a text editor, such as Notepad. For the English language, these files are located in \Program Files\\Extra!\Sessions\<language>\Template.

    For this host connection type

    Edit this template

    IBM mainframe and z/OS


    AS/400 and iSeries


    UNIX and OpenVMS (VT)


  2. In the [Productivity] section, change the value from YES to NO for each feature you want to disable. To disable the entire Productivity Bar, set the value of EnableProductivityPane= to NO.

    NOTE:Not all settings are available for all connection types, and not all settings will be present in all of the template files.

To disable productivity defaults during an upgrade

Use the Custom Installation Wizard to set new productivity defaults in migrated sessions.

  1. Open an existing session file (*.edp) in a text editor and manually delete the [Productivity] section.

  2. Use the Custom Installation Wizard to deselect productivity from the list of features you want to install. See Customize the Extra! Installation.