Connect to an Asynchronous Host via SSL/TLS
Use the following procedure to configure SSL or TLS connections using the upgraded security protocols.
The Secure Sockets Layer protocol (SSL) and its compatible successor, the Transport Layer Security protocol (TLS), enable a client and server to establish a secure, encrypted connection over a public network. When you connect using SSL/TLS, the client authenticates the server before making a connection, and all data passed between EXTRA! and the server is encrypted. Depending on the server configuration, the server may also authenticate the client.
Note: To secure your connections with SSL or TLS, your system must include an SSL/TLS host (server or servers).
To configure the session
- Create a new display (or printer) session.
- From the Start menu, select Attachmate EXTRA! X-treme, and click Create a new session. Or, if a session is already open, choose File > New Session.
- In the New Session Wizard, respond to the prompts to select the host type and the session type.
- For the connection type, specify Telnet.
- On the General tab, specify the host name and port.
- Click the Security tab.
- For Type of Security, choose Attachmate SSL v3.0 or Attachmate TLS v1.0.
- To ensure that the server certificate is valid, select Verify server identity. EXTRA! will check that the server certificate was signed by a trusted certificate authority and the host name in the certificate matches the host to which you are trying to connect.
If the SSL/TLS server requires client authentication, EXTRA! will automatically retrieve the certificate used for proving client identity, provided it is installed in the user's Personal certificate store in Windows.
- Specify the remaining options to complete the configuration.
Note: To change the security settings, in an open session, choose Options > Settings, and on the left, click Connection.