Attachmate EXTRA! X-treme Connections Pack
Version 9

Release Notes
October 2006


This file contains late-breaking information about this release of Attachmate EXTRA! X-treme Connections Pack. The Attachmate EXTRA! X-treme Connections Pack provides access for infrequently-used connectors such as Coax, SDLC, and Twinax.

For information about the Options Pack for EXTRA! X-treme v. 9, visit our support Web site at

Windows 2000 and Windows XP Certification

The EXTRA! X-treme Connections Pack has not been submitted for Windows 2000 certification or Windows XP certification.

Connectivities Now Available for Custom Installation

The following connectivities are now provided as Custom installation choices in EXTRA! X-treme. They are not supported by Attachmate Technical Support and are not part of a Typical Installation. To install one or more of the following connectivities, choose to perform a Custom Installation, and then select the desired connectivity or connectivities from the Custom Connectivities list.

Market demand has fallen for certain legacy connectivity types; therefore, Attachmate plans to retire support for these as future releases of EXTRA! are made available. If you need assistance migrating to more modern host access solutions, please contact your Attachmate sales representative, or visit our Web site at
