Preparing an Administrative Installation of EXTRA! X-treme

The system administrator can make EXTRA! X-treme available for installation from a network location, referred to as an administrative installation, after which users can perform the installation by running either the appropriate .msi file or a Windows batch file that has been created for that purpose.

To copy EXTRA! X-treme to a network location for installation by users
  1. Insert the product CD.

  2. At the command prompt or the Start menu Run command, type the following:

    msiexec /a CD root\Attachmate\EXTRA!\ATMEE90.MSI TRANSFORMS=transforms file

    To display installation prompts in
    Use this transforms file
    English 1033.mst
    French 1036.mst
    German 1031.mst
    Italian 1040.mst
    Portuguese 1046.mst
    Spanish 1034.mst

    When the installation runs, you will be prompted to specify a network location. You should specify the same location for all components.

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