Attachmate EXTRA! Terminal Viewers
Version 8

Release Notes
February 2005

For information on using HLLAPI with the Terminal Viewers see the HLLAPI Client Components Release Notes.


EXTRA! Terminal Viewers from Attachmate allows you to provide secure access to mission-critical 3270, 5250, and VT host applications through a Web-based interface. Terminal Viewers is installed as a component of Attachmate Management and Control Services (MCS), which allows you to take advantage of common MCS functionality, such as directory services for managing users and groups. In addition, you can access and manage all host access configurations either locally or from a remote machine, and provide users and groups access to those configurations.

Additional, late-breaking information on this release is available at

Client Requirements

Java Terminal Viewers Requirements
Operating System Windows XP with SP1 or SP2
Windows 2000 Professional with SP4
Windows NT Workstation 4.0 with SP6a
Windows 2000 Server with SP4
Windows 98 SE
Linux on Intel (Kernel v. 2.4 or later)
Processor Intel single/multiple processor
RISC single/multiple processor
RAM 64 MB minimum (128 MB suggested)
Sun Java 2 Runtime
JRE v. 1.4.2_02
Browser Internet Explorer v 6.x with JRE v. 1.4.2_02 and Microsoft JVM Build 3810
Mozilla Firefox 1.0 for Windows
Netscape v. 7.1
Netscape v. 7.2

It is advisable to upgrade to the latest tested version of your preferred browser. The Viewers support the above Java virtual machines. Newer versions of the JRE may not be fully compatible with the Terminal Viewers.

Information about Microsoft Java VM is available at the following Web site:


Pre-caching Terminal Viewers

To avoid potential delays caused by slow network connections when launching a Java viewer for the first time on a particular client computer, it may be preferable to install the Java components directly from the Pre-cached Browser-Based Emulation CD. This procedure puts the Java client files in the local browser's cache. When a configuration is accessed from the central management server MCS, only configuration details are downloaded because the Java viewer has already been installed.

To pre-cache EXTRA! Java Terminal Viewers from the CD
  1. Insert the CD labeled EXTRA! Pre-cached Browser-Based Emulation into the CD drive.

    If the setup utility does not run automatically, browse to the CD root directory and double-click autosetup.exe.

  2. Select Install Java Terminal Viewers.

  3. Select a language.

  4. Click Next.

  5. If you choose to continue, accept the license agreement.

  6. Select the host type for the client you wish to pre-cache.

    Your newly installed Terminal or Printer will not function until you connect to a Terminal Viewers Server. If you do not know to which Terminal Viewers server to connect, or have not been provided with a Web link to a Terminal Viewers server, please contact your System Administrator.

Once this is accomplished, configurations can be launched from the myAccess Links page, avoiding the setup phase that would ordinarily occur as a viewer is launched for the first time.

Known Issues


Feature On Demand not Supported with Sun Plug-in

Feature On demand is not supported using Sun Microsystems Java plug-in. If Feature On Demand is selected, viewers running with Sun Microsystems Java plug-in will function as if Cache All Features is selected.

Pre-cached Viewers not Supported with Sun Plug-in

You cannot perform a pre-cached installation on systems using Sun Microsystems Java plug-in.

Closing Java Viewer Sessions using Internet Explorer

All open Java Viewer sessions will close if you close the Internet Explorer window from which they were opened.

Chinese Characters (DBCS) cannot be Displayed in Chinese Locale

If Chinese characters cannot be displayed or are not input-capable, set the non-Unicode locale in Windows to be consistent with the setting in the viewer.

For example, in Windows XP, you would set the language for Non-Unicode Programs to Chinese (PRC) by choosing, from the Control Panel, Regional and Language Options (on the Advanced page).

Note For other operating systems, such as Windows NT, the path to the language settings may differ.

Using Internet Explorer and the CLASSPATH Setting

Internet Explorer uses the CLASSPATH environment variable to search for Java support files. It may find the support files specified in the CLASSPATH before those delivered with the Terminal Viewers. For correct results when using the Terminal Viewers, either you should not set CLASSPATH, or you should set it only to directories that you know do not conflict with the Terminal Viewers.

Cache All Features: Run Locally Option

Does not have an Uninstaller

The Cache All Features: Run Locally option does not have an uninstaller — files must be removed manually. For different client operating systems and browsers, the file locations will vary.

The following tables assume that the operating system and applications (Netscape) have been installed in the default locations. If necessary, you can adjust for variations in your installation. If the default, myEXTRA!CacheRunLocal, is not used, files may be written to the profile name.

For this operating system
Windows 98 C:\Windows\Attachmate\myEXTRA!CacheRunLocal
Windows NT C:\Winnt\Profiles\username\Attachmate\myEXTRA!CacheRunLocal
Windows 2000 C:\Documents and Settings\username\Attachmate\myEXTRA!CacheRunLocal
Windows XP C:\Documents and Settings\username\Attachmate\myEXTRA!CacheRunLocal
For this browser
Internet Explorer myEXTRA!CacheRunLocal and its contents, and the desktop icon that contains the configuration name.

Linux Support

The following Terminal Viewer features are not available using the Linux platform:

In addition, Viewers on Linux have the following limitations:


Downloading Java Viewers from MCS via Dial-up Connection May Fail

If you download Java Viewers from an S/390 system using a slow link such as a modem, the operation may time out and fail on the Application Server. If this problem occurs, you will need to increase the timeout value.

For example, if you are running IBM WebSphere on USS, the timeout value for sending a file back to the browser is controlled by the directive OutputTimeout in httpd.conf. OutputTimeout specifies the maximum time for sending output to the client. In this case, we recommend setting the timeout value between 5 minutes (300 seconds) and 10 minutes (600 seconds). For more information on this directive, please refer to Appendix B, "Configuration Directives," in the IBM guide HTTP Server Planning, Installing, and Using. After making this change, restart your HTTP Server.

Host Graphics

Host Graphics Print Screen Not Available

You cannot print graphics peforming a Print Screen.

Host Graphics Limitation with Far Eastern Language Fonts

Host Graphics is not supported with Double Byte Character Set (DBCS) characters for Far Eastern language fonts.

Host Graphics Limitation with Cut/Copy/Paste

You cannot cut, copy, or paste graphics.

The Visual Keyboard

The Default Visual Keyboard (Keyboard Map)

Because the Java VM is unable to determine which model of keyboard you are using, the default keyboard map displayed will always be the PC 101-key keyboard for English, and the PC 102-key keyboard for other languages. You need to select which keyboard type you want to map.

Java Terminals

FTP Command Line Transfer not Working with MVS/TSO

The FTP Command line program does not currently support get, mget, put or mput commands when transferring files to a mainframe MVS/TSO FTP server.

Secure FTP Requires the Sun Microsystems JRE

To use the Secure FTP features, you need to have the Sun JRE installed on the client machine.

Can't Have Spaces in New Macro Names

The new macro filename cannot contain a space.

DBCS does not Support 81-column Display Mode

81-column Display Mode adds an 81st column to the display, and uses this to ensure that DBCS characters do not get split between the 80th column of one row, and the first column of the next. DBCS support, in this version of the Terminal Viewers, does not support the 81-column mode.

Local Install: Incorrect Language may be used if Terminal Viewers have been Cached

If you are using Internet Explorer and have a cached Viewer (from a server download), and then locally install a different language viewer, the language may not be updated.

To clear the original language
  1. Choose Run from the Start menu and type REGEDIT.

  2. Click OK.

  3. Browse to the following registry entry:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Code Store Database\Global Namespace\Java Packages\com\attachmate\emulation\locale

  4. Select and delete the following REG key:

    Path Key "C:\WINNT\JAVA\Packages\*.zip"

    The Viewer will now display the correct language.

Blue Cursor in Text Fields when Using Internet Explorer

Some display drivers conflict with the Internet Explorer VM, which results in a blue cursor in text fields that should have a black cursor. Setting your Windows Color Palette to True Color, or the highest (most colors) option available, will typically solve this problem.

Permissions for 3270 File Transfer

When the MCS administrator grants permission to use the File Transfer tool, he or she must also grant the user permission to modify the configuration. If these permissions are not granted, the File Transfer command on the Tools menu, and the File Transfer Settings command on the Options menu, will be unavailable to the user.

3270 IND$FILE File Transfer

Do not use a structured field size larger than 15K with an SSL connection when transferring a file from the PC to host.

Symantec VisualCafe and CLASSPATH Issues

If you have VisualCafe installed on your machine, some components may not appear on the screen due to a conflict in third-party class libraries. To run the Attachmate Viewers properly, all references to Symantec classes in the System CLASSPATH of the computer must be removed.

To remove all references to Symantec classes in the System CLASSPATH of the computer
  1. In Windows, from the Start menu, choose Settings, then Control Panel.

  2. In the Control Panel, click the System icon, then choose the Environment tab.

  3. Locate the CLASSPATH variable (if it exists).

    If there is a CLASSPATH variable for the system, the user must remove all references to any Symantec (VisualCafe) classes (which will be wrapped in JAR or ZIP files).

    The following statement is an example of what must be removed from the CLASSPATH variable:


  4. Choose the Apply or OK button.

If your Web browser is running, you must restart it for the changes to take effect.

Browsers Closing Sessions

In some circumstances, due to Microsoft and Netscape VM limitations, your browser may close a Terminal Viewers display or printer session. For instance, this can happen if you navigate to a different page. If your browser closes a session, the Terminal window may turn gray.

To avoid losing sessions when navigating to a different page
  • From the File menu of your browser, create a new browser window.

When you create a browser window, a new viewer may be created at the same time. If you don't need it, just close the extra viewer.

Changing Focus when a Dialog Box is Open

You cannot switch from one viewer display or printer window to another if there is an open dialog box (for example, an Open Settings dialog box). When a dialog box is open, you must close it before switching to a different viewer window.

Auto Reconnect Feature

After you log off from a session, the Terminal Viewers may be configured to reconnect automatically to the mainframe. The Terminal Viewers' attempt to reconnect could slow the performance of the Attachmate SNA Gateway if the Gateway runs out of resources.

To turn the Auto Reconnect feature off
  1. From the Options menu, choose Connection Settings.

  2. In the Connection Settings dialog box, on the General page, clear the Auto Reconnect on Host Disconnect check box.

Fixing Window Appearance Problems

In some circumstances, you may encounter these window appearance problems:

These problems do not affect your session to the host and can easily be corrected.

To fix window appearance problems
  • For a display session, either re-size the window slightly, or toggle the toolbar on/off.


  • For a printer session, toggle the toolbar on/off.

Terminal Viewers Applications on a Multi-Processor Computer

Multi-thread Terminal Viewers applications may stop responding when running on a multi-processor computer. However, the same application will run without problems on a single processor computer.

Display Limitations

Print Screen Font Size

Printing a large screen may cut off some text if it extends beyond the page boundaries. For example, printing to an HP4Si on 8-1/2 x 11 paper, you can use up to a 14-point font in portrait mode, and up to an 18-point font in landscape mode before text is cropped.

Extended Graphics Mode

Extended Graphics Mode is supported in the 5250 Terminal Viewers. However, the default keystroke combination required to enter this mode is not currently implemented.

To use Extended Graphics
  1. From the Options menu, choose Keyboard Remapper Settings.

  2. Map the Extended Graphics keystroke to another valid key combination, for example, ALT+X.

    In the Keyboard Remapper Settings dialog box, follow the on-screen directions for mapping a key.

3270 File Transfer with Host Code Pages

When using 3270 File Transfer, use "INDFILE" as the host alias when using the ANSI (1252) PC Code Page with the English UK Euro (1146) Host Code Page. The dollar sign ($) does not translate to the same character on the English UK Euro (1146) Host Code Page.

Java Printers

Viewer Printer and Display Host Code Pages Must Match to Print DBCS Characters

To print the Double Byte Character Set (DBCS) characters for Far Eastern language fonts properly, you will need to change several settings so that the host code pages match in printer and display sessions.

To match host code page settings for DBCS LU1 and LU3 printing
  1. Open a printer session.

  2. From the Options menu, choose Printer Settings.

  3. In the Printer Settings dialog box, choose the Translations tab.

  4. Under Host Code Page, select the name of the host code page specified in your display session.

    In the display session, refer to the Display Settings dialog box, on the Host Code Page tab, to find the selected host code page name.

  5. Under PC Code Page, select a character display code compatible with the host code page selection.

  6. Click OK.

Narrow Margins May Cause Text to be Cut Off

If the non-printable area of your printer exceeds the margins you've specified, your text may get cut off.

Text-Only Printing Produces Error with PostScript Driver

You may see a PostScript error when using the text-only option with PostScript drivers. Text-only printing works fine with a non-PostScript driver.

Changing Paper Size to A4

Changing paper size from 8-1/2 x 11 to A4 will not take effect unless the paper size is also changed in the print dialog box opened by your operating system.

Changing Page Orientation to Landscape

Changing page orientation from portrait to landscape will not take effect unless the page orientation is also changed in the print dialog box opened by your operating system.

Code Page Used when Printing to a Printer

The Terminal Viewers Printers always use Unicode (code page 1200) when printing to a printer regardless of the configured PC code page.

Terminal Viewers Printer Device and Driver Name

The Terminal Viewers Printer device name is always shown as "Terminal Viewers Printer." There is no way for a Java applet to determine the actual printer device name. This is also true for the driver name.

Active Desktop and Printing

If you are using Windows NT and have installed the Active Desktop, you will have problems with Terminal Viewers printing. With the Active Desktop, neither the Terminal Viewers Printer nor the Print Screen feature of the Terminal Viewers will work. A "blue screen" error will occur, after which you will have to restore the Active Desktop settings. To resolve this problem, you must completely uninstall Internet Explorer and reinstall it without the Active Desktop option.

Note Terminal Viewers printing and the Print Screen feature will work with the Active Desktop if it is used under Windows 98.

More information on Active Desktop limitations is available from the following URL:

Canceling a Print Job

You cannot cancel a print job in this release — the Cancel Print Job option is not supported.

Holding a Print Job

Currently, if you choose Hold while a large print job is printing, the printer has buffered will still print; any pending data will be in a held state. Clicking Resume will send the remaining data to the printer.

Incorrect Print-out with Large System Fonts

If you have set your system font size to Large Fonts, a print job will print scaled to a smaller size with invalid right and bottom margins. If you change your system font size to Small Fonts, the print job will appear properly.
