Attachmate Management & Control Services (MCS) is a Web-based server console that administrators can use to centrally manage and configure Attachmate management components. Some components do not make use of all MCS features. The primary purposes of MCS are to provide:
Since MCS is accessed using a Web browser, you can run the MCS console from the same machine on which MCS is installed, or remotely via an intranet or Internet connection.
Following is a list of the product management and control features that MCS provides:
MCS provides the following security devices for determining who can access and use the MCS console:
Make use of a secure port that implements Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 3.0 and Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0. This includes authenticated and encrypted sessions between the server and clients.
Report current and historical usage of client applications, including summary statistics on maximum usage. MCS calculates usage by tracking the consumption of client licenses.
Access and configure servers and server clusters on which one or more MCS-compatible products are installed. You can control which server is the primary server in a cluster, manage server clusters, and remotely configure the directory service and security settings for managed servers.
Manage and distribute host access IDs for users of client applications.
Trace, store, and view events generated by MCS itself, as well as events generated by MCS-managed products. Tracing can be enabled as needed for MCS and for MCS-managed products.
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