Upgrading MCS in a Clustered Environment

You can upgrade MCS and management components only in a Windows environment. In UNIX environments, you must uninstall any existing version before installing the current version. If you work in a clustered environment, upgrading MCS includes several manual steps.

Note Before you begin, back up the MCS directory and all its subdirectories on every server in the cluster.

To avoid unwanted replication during the upgrade process, stop the application server on every server in the cluster.

To upgrade MCS from version 2.1 on a server cluster
  1. Stop the application server on all secondary servers in the cluster.

  2. On the primary server, install the new version of MCS, and then stop the application server.

  3. Under ../mcs/WEB-INF/data/servermgt/settings, in the file ServerMgt.properties modify the values for lastidserver and lastidcluster to the value of your highest numbered XML file under ../mcs/WEB-INF/data/servermgt/servers, which is the value for the last secondary server in the cluster.

  4. On all secondary servers, repeat steps 2 and 3.

  5. On all secondary servers, in the file ServerMgtLocal.properties under ../mcs/WEB-INF/data/servermgt/localsettings, verify the following values:

    LocalServerID=ID for the local machine


    You can find the ID for the local machine in the ../mcs/WEB-INF/data/servermgt/server/nnnnn.xml file in which the name attribute matches the name of the server.

  6. Restart the application server on the primary server, and make sure that MCS is running.

  7. After you're sure that MCS is running on the primary server, restart the application servers on all secondary servers, one at a time.

Related Topics
Bullet Upgrading, Overview
Bullet Installing MCS and Management Components on Windows
Bullet Upgrading MCS and Management Components