- Stop the application server on all secondary servers in the cluster.
- On the primary server, install the new version of MCS, and then stop the application server.
- Under ../mcs/WEB-INF/data/servermgt/settings, in the file ServerMgt.properties modify the values for lastidserver and lastidcluster to the value of your highest numbered XML file under ../mcs/WEB-INF/data/servermgt/servers, which is the value for the last secondary server in the cluster.
- On all secondary servers, repeat steps 2 and 3.
- On all secondary servers, in the file ServerMgtLocal.properties under ../mcs/WEB-INF/data/servermgt/localsettings, verify the following values:
LocalServerID=ID for the local machine
You can find the ID for the local machine in the ../mcs/WEB-INF/data/servermgt/server/nnnnn.xml file in which the name attribute matches the name of the server.
- Restart the application server on the primary server, and make sure that MCS is running.
- After you're sure that MCS is running on the primary server, restart the application servers on all secondary servers, one at a time.