Creating or Editing a Translation Table

You can modify a predefined translation table or create your own. When you edit a translation table that is in use, the changes do not take effect until the next time the user accesses the Express Terminal applet.

To edit a translation table
  1. In a text editor such as Notepad, either open an existing translation table file (file name extension .tbl) or create a new file.

    Existing translation tables are located in the Attachmate\HTTPEngine\webapps\mcs\components\uviewer\translation directory.

  2. Type or modify the script for the translation table.

    For example, to add support for the euro symbol to an existing table, add the statement 0x20AC = value, where value is the value used by the host for the euro symbol, as shown in the included euro symbol translation tables.

    Host Value for the Euro
    Translation Table
    0x80 A-Latin1 Euro.tbl
    0xA4 A-Latin9 Euro.tbl

    If you're not sure which value your host uses, contact your system administrator.

    Note To use the euro symbol in a T27 project, you must have selected the option Raw 8-bit Data on the Connection Settings - T27 Character Interpretation page in your T27 configuration.

    For more information about translation table syntax, see Translation Table Syntax.

  3. Using a .tbl filename extension, save the file in the appropriate subdirectory.

    All ASCII translation tables must reside in the \mcs\components\uviewer\translation\ascii folder, and all EBCDIC translation tables must reside in the \mcs\components\uviewer\translation\ebcdic folder.

    To prevent overwriting your changes when you upgrade, you should always save modified translation tables with a new name.

    Your translation table will now be available to add to assign to configurations.

Related Topics
Bullet Translation Tables, Overview
Bullet Assigning a Translation Table to a Configuration
Bullet Translation Table Syntax