Managed Services in MCS
Several services are included when you install MCS; others may be installed when you install MCS-managed products. Some of these services are for internal use and should not be started or stopped by the user.
Services installed with and used by MCS include the following:
- FailureControlService Internal system tool.
- ReplicationTimer This service is used for ensuring that data is replicated across servers in a cluster. It checks to make sure that a server has not gone offline when replication takes longer than it should.
If a server does go offline during replication, the replication timer removes it from the queue and begins replication to the next server in the cluster. If the replication timer is stopped and a server goes offline during data replication, the replication process is suspended at that server.
- UpdateTimer If you use licensing in a clustered environment, this service should be started on all servers in the cluster. Otherwise, this service is not used.
- TraceLogGarbageCollection Internal system tool.
- SecurityGatewayManagedService The security gateway is a secure port that implements Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 3.0 security and Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0 support. For hosts that do not support SSL, it provides SSL connections to clients outside of your firewall. For more information, see Overview of Security Services.
- ServerMgtFailureDetectorService This service detects failures of the primary server in a server cluster. On the primary server, the service responds to ping requests from secondary servers. On secondary servers, the service sends ping requests to the primary. For stand-alone MCS servers, this service only waits for the server to join a cluster.