Authenticating MCS Users

With the authentication function of Management & Control Services (MCS), you can specify the level of security required to access the MCS console, or publish and access data on MCS, such as EXTRA! and Viewer configurations.

These authentication options apply only to the MCS console and most selections do not automatically give users the right to access the console. That permission is granted under Rights Management. Other permissions may also be granted separately.

Note There is a similar authentication feature in Presentation Manager, which allows you to specify the level of security that is required for end users to access presentations from the myAccess Links page.
To set the user authentication type for MCS access
  1. In the MCS left pane, point to Services, and then click Security.

  2. Under Security, click Authentication.

    The Authentication page appears in the MCS right pane.

  3. From the Authentication Type list box, select the desired level of authentication for accessing the MCS console.

    To require this level of authentication
    None No username or password required.

    If you select this authentication type, all users will have all MCS rights, regardless of your selections under Rights Management.

    Username Only A user name, but no password.

    No password is required; however, the user name must exist in the configured directory service.

    Username/Password Both a user name and password.

    This information is validated against the configured directory service.

    Client Certificate or Username/Password A client certificate request or user name and password.

    Management & Control Services (MCS) requests a client certificate; if it doesn't receive one, it authenticates the client using the user name/password. This option allows for a gradual migration from user name/password to client certificates.

    Client Certificate Only A client certificate request.

    MCS requests the client certificate, which is validated against the certificate authority as well as the directory service used by MCS.

    RSA SecurID Users are typically prompted for a user name and passcode. You should select this value only after the RSA SecurID server has been configured and tested. Windows only.

    Warning If you choose Client Certificate Only, Presentation Integrator users will not be able to publish or download presentations.
  4. (Optional) If necessary, change the settings for the remaining options.

    For details on any of the options on the Authentication page, click Help in the upper-right corner of the window.

  5. Click Save to activate your settings.

Related Topics
Bullet Setting Up Centralized Management, Overview
Bullet Accessing the MCS Console
Bullet Security Services, Overview
Bullet Obtaining and Installing Client Certificates