Creating ID Pools

The first step in setting up ID management is to create a pool of host access IDs.

To create a pool of IDs
  1. In the MCS left pane under Services, click ID Management.

  2. Under ID Management, click Configure IDs.

  3. In the MCS right pane, in the pool tree, select either All IDs or an existing pool type, right-click to display the shortcut menu, and click New Pool.

    The Pool Creation series of pages guides you through the process of creating a new pool. For detailed information about options on any of these pages, including a description of each pool type, click Help.

  4. From the New Pool page under Pool Type, select the type of pool you want to use, and then (for most types) type a name for your pool.
    Note Pool names cannot contain spaces.

    If you are creating a User Name pool, you cannot type a pool name — it is determined by the User Name you choose when you click Next.

  5. Click Next to add IDs to the pool.
