Creating a Configuration Package

Once configuration files are published to MCS from the client installation, you can assemble them into packages for assignment to users or groups. For example, you may want to deploy a particular macro with a particular session. By adding these two files to a package, you can deploy them together.

Note Configuration packages can also be created as part of the publishing process using the Configuration Publisher utility.
To create a configuration package
  1. Run MCS.

    This procedure assumes that you've already configured MCS. For details, see the Setting Up Centralized Management section.

  2. In the MCS left pane, point to Products and then click EXTRA! X-treme.

  3. On the Manage EXTRA! X-treme Configurations page, click the New Configuration Package link.

  4. Complete the wizard screens by naming the package and choosing the files to add.

Related Topics
Bullet Managing EXTRA! X-treme, Overview
Bullet Creating Configuration Files
Bullet Assigning a Configuration or Distribution to Users