Adding a Web Document

When you add a Web document to your resources using Presentation Integrator, thus making it available to add to presentations, it is automatically published to Management & Control Services (MCS). From MCS, it can be downloaded to clients when they access the presentation. The Web document also becomes available to other designers using Presentation Integrator who are connected to the same MCS server.

To make a Web document available to add to a presentation
  1. Run Presentation Integrator.

  2. Click the New Web Doc button.

    The New Web Document dialog box appears.

  3. Enter the settings for your Web document:

    • In the URL box, type the full URL for the Web document, for example:

    • In the Name box, type a name for the Web document

      This is the name that appears in the Resources pane and Design View.

    • (Optional) In the Description box, type a description for the Web document.

      This description appears in the Resource Properties pane when you click the name of the Web document in either the Resources pane or the Design View.

Note Once a Web document is published — and it will be published automatically as soon as you add it to your resources — it cannot be deleted from the MCS server using either Presentation Integrator or MCS. The URL, name, and description are copied in a binary file to MCS.
To add a Web document to a presentation
  1. Open your presentation in Presentation Integrator.

  2. Select the Web document under Web Docs in the Resources pane, and drag it onto the Design View pane.

  3. Make any desired property changes by selecting the Web document from the Design View, and making the appropriate value changes from the Resource Properties pane.

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